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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Nothing But

Updated: Feb 15

Nothing but the blood

Today’s Bible Reading: EXODUS 10:1-12:51


Exodus 12:15

when I see the blood I will Passover you


The death angel was approaching. The dark night had come. The day of deliverance was dawning. The sacrifice was made. The blood applied. All their fears and doubts remained. Questions arose. Is the blood enough? Will He see it? Will it save us? The eyes of faith may often become dim with doubt, but the eyes of the Savior see clearly. His eyes are focused when our eyes fail. The surety of our salvation is not determined by what we see, but what He sees. He sees and saves. We see doubt, He sees the doorposts. We see the bad, He sees the blood. Here we have a pronouncement and a promise.


The Lord said “when I see”. The Lord’s vision is clear. He knows what He is looking for. His eyes look for what His lips have commanded. He searches for what He has spoken. His reaction is contingent on our response. Is the blood applied? He recognizes what He requested and responses. He is ready to save, “when” He sees. Our salvation is because of His sight not ours. When “He” sees He acts. He does not see us but the sacrifice. He doesn’t look at our faults and failures or our goodness or ability. He looks not for who is behind the door, but what is on the door. He looks only for the blood. He sees the blood, not the sinner. He looks past our sin to the sacrifice. He looks at the blood as the covering for our sin. Our salvation is built upon the sacrifice of another. It is by the blood of the lamb that we are saved. It secures our salvation. The vision of the blood brings victory.


He passes over us, but not our sin. His justice cannot pass over sin. It demands payment. Sin must be punished. The price must be paid. Death is its cost. This price was paid through the death of another. It was paid by one who took the penalty of sin. The perfect unblemished innocent lamb was not under the penalty of death. Our sins were placed on Him. It is His shed blood that is the atonement for our sin. In this death, through this blood, the penalty was paid and we are passed over, from death to life. Our sin was not passed over but paid for by the precious blood of the lamb. As declared by John thousands of years later, Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29)


Like with the Israelites, the Lord still looks for the blood, and as promised when He sees it, He will pass over us. Here is our hope. Here is our help. It’s nothing but the blood. In our dark uncertain night, we must believe that it is only through the appropriation and the application of the blood of Jesus, the sinless lamb of God, that we will be delivered. His blood is enough. It will save us. In His blood our sin is paid for and our salvation is secured.


Stop striving and surrender. Your night of decision is at hand. Your day of deliverance awaits. Simply by faith call upon God to apply the Lamb’s blood to the “doorposts” of your life. Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. His promise has not changed, to all who believe in Him, when He sees the blood, He will pass over.


Today consider the truth of the old Hymn, “What can wash away my sins? What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh, precious is the flow that makes me white as snow. No other fount I know nothing but the blood of Jesus.” Thank the Lord for the blood. Thank Him for providing the unblemished Christ to purify your sin sick soul. Thank Him for His promise of your salvation. Thank Him that your salvation is secure because of His sacrifice. Thank Him that it is not dependent on your work, but His. Thank Him that He looked at the blood and not at you. Thank Him that it’s nothing but the blood.

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