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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Feb 15

Today’s Bible Reading: NUMBERS 2:1-3:51


Numbers 2:17 And the tabernacle of meeting shall move with the camp of the Levites in the middle of the camps . . . 

 We really don’t pay much attention the arrangement of houses on a street. The layout of a city develops randomly unless the city planners have a blueprint for its growth. In this text the Lord gives specific instructions on how to build His “city” in the wilderness. He outlines a precise pattern for constructing the camp.


God arranged the order of the placements of the tribes and their tents when they camped in the wilderness. It was not left to the discretion of each tribal leader or the desires of Moses, but was assigned by His divine directive. It was not left to chance or coincidence, but was according to the command of God.


The arrangement of the camp was designed to focus attention upon the presence of the Lord among them. The Lord instructed them to place the tabernacle in the center of the camp. The Israelites were told to camp around the tabernacle. The Levites camped closest to tabernacle on all four sides. The remainder of the tribes camped in designated groups on all four sides further out from the tabernacle. The presence of the Lord dwelled within the tabernacle. Placing it in the center of the camp emphasized the Lord’s presence with them.


The size of the tabernacle made it the most noticeable structure in the camp. It was visible to every Israelite within the camp. The cloud by day and the pillar of fire at night were continually above the tabernacle to be a constant reminder of the Lord’s presence among them. So, there was never a doubt that He was with them on their journey.


The location of the tabernacle pointed to the centrality of God’s presence among them. His tent was centered among their tents. The layout of the camp pointed to the need for the Lord to be the hub around which their life and practice revolved. He was to be the center of their worship and work.


The fence around the tabernacle was overlaid with silver and bronze. The altar and laver in the courtyard of the structure were made of bronze. The courtyard of the tabernacle was uncovered. Thus, when the sun arose in the east, the sunbeams would strike the exposed metal and cast a brilliant reflection throughout the camp. Every morning the Israelites were to gather manna as the sun arose. As they gathered manna they were drawn to the splendor of His majesty as the sun reflected off the tabernacle. Every morning they received God’s provisions for them and were reminded of His presence with them. Daily they gathered manna and gazed at His majesty.


The tabernacle reminded the Israelites of the centrality of the Lord in their camp. This text points us to the need of the centrality of Christ in our lives. He is to be the heart of our delights and desires. He is to be the center of our relationships and routine. He is to be the focus of our worship and work. His presence must be prominent in our life.


It is easy to say we give the Lord preeminence in our life, but it becomes difficult when the pressures of life push in against us. Daily we encounter endless circumstances that shift the centrality of our Savior. We desire Him to be the center of our life and practice, but we find that life and practice push Him off center. Perhaps that’s why the sun daily illuminated the tabernacle on their journey. Think about it. In the midst of the hardships of a desolate and despairing land, God daily expressed His majesty by “lighting” up the place of His presence to remind them that He was with them in their struggles. Maybe that’s what we need is a daily reminder, a daily dose of Him.


Today rejoice in the truths you learned about the centrality of the tabernacle in the camp. Thank God that as a believer, He abides in you. Ask Him to help you keep Christ centered in your life. Ask Him to help you get a daily dose of Him.

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