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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

No Prints

Updated: May 13

Today's Bible Reading: PSALM 75-78 


Psalm 77:19

Your way was through the sea, your path through the great waters; yet your footprints were unseen.


We must trust what we cannot trace. We must have confidence in what is concealed. Often God’s workings before us must be read backwards. We can’t see His hand or track His steps. His way is His way. We are not always privy to His path. It unfolds before us but we are often uncertain of His work in it. His footsteps may be unseen, but our trust is in Him.


Life would be easy if we could follow His footprints. It would be simple if we could trace His tracks. Then we would be certain we were on the right path. We could trust His trail before us. In seeing His footprints we would not hesitate to forge ahead.


Yet that is not God’s way. His path is not always marked by His imprints. There were no footprints in the muddy bottom of Red Sea to guide His people. They saw no prints of His presence to direct their way. There was only an open sea. They viewed a path without prints. There was a trail with no tracks. Yet it was their walkway to deliverance. Their confidence was not in what was seen, but what was unseen. Their hope was not in what they beheld, but what they believed. Theirs was not to look for prints, but to trust His path.


Often we too look for His prints, rather than trust His path. We want evidence of His presence before we embark on His path. We want to know before we go. We want to see before we step out. He may open a sea before us, but we want to see His steps in the bottom of it. We want visible verification. We look for manifestations before we move forward.


But that is not always His way. He guides us by trust not tracks. He desires us to trust Him when we cannot trace Him. We are to follow Him by faith rather than by footprints. It is faith in the open sea before us rather than the footprints in the silt that guides us. It is our footsteps that will lead us to where his invisible footprints have gone before us. We may never see His prints on our path, but we can be assured that He sees ours.


Today stop looking for footprints and step out in faith. Ask the Lord to help you trust His guidance even when you don’t see a clear trail. Thank Him that He makes a way through your turbulent troubles. Praise Him that His way is always the right way even though you don’t see His path or prints. Today walk by faith not by footprints.

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