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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

My Provider

Updated: Dec 25, 2023

My Provider


Today’s Bible Reading: Gen 21:8-25:26, 1 Chron 1:32-33


Genesis 22:14

And Abraham called the name of the place, The-Lord-Will-Provide; as it is said to this day, "In the Mount of The Lord it shall be provided."


Every day we are tested. We encounter evaluations of the essence of our commitment. Our faith is put on trial. Abraham was tested by God. His faith was challenged. Previously God had provided an heir through Sarah. The impossible was made possible. Isaac was God’s miracle baby. He was God’s blessing to Abraham and Sarah. It was though him that all of their dependents would come. God provided Isaac to them, now Abraham was to trust God to preserve him. He believed that as God provided once, He would again. His hope and help was from the one who had provided in the past. When asked by his son about the absent sacrifice, his response was God will provide.


That resolve remained as Abraham ascent the mountain, as he constructed the altar, as he bound his son and as he held the knife. God would surely provide. He didn’t know how or when, but he knew He would. God had promised, He would provide. His faith in the past became faith for his present. God saw. God provided. A ram in the thicket replaced his son. The test turned into a testimony, a declaration of God’s provision. A name was given to Him. He is Jehovah –Jireah, the provider.


As God did for Abraham, He provides for us. He provides for not only our temporal demands, but also our eternal deliverance. We are the Isaac bound on the altar, sinful, condemned to die. Jesus is God’s provision. He is the ram in your thicket. He was sacrificed in your place for your sins. He is the Father’s provision to pay for your penalty.


Here is great encouragement. If God did not spare His one and only son on our behalf, providing for our redemption, certainly He will continue to provide for those who love Him. In hardship, He provides. In heartache, He provides. In hopelessness, He provides. In helplessness, He provides. His is the Lord who provides.


Today, reflect on God’s great salvation provided for you through the sacrifice of His son. Take a moment and thank Him for Jesus. Consider all the ways that the Lord has provide and continues to provide for you. Praise him for His continual provisions. Look for ways He will provide for you today. When He does, declare to those around you that He is The Lord who provides, Jehovah Jireh, your provider.

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