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My Helper

Updated: Apr 12

Today's Bible Reading:  PSALM 54; 1 SAMUEL 23:13-25:44


Psalms  54:4 

Behold God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life


There are times that we need help. We all have moments when we just can’t seem to figure things out, we can’t move past something or don’t have the strength to bear it. We all need someone to help us through crisis, conflict and life’s complexities. The Lord is that helper.


Saul’s forces were finally closing in on David and his companions (1 Sam 23:26). It appeared that they were doomed to destruction. It seemed that there was no way out of this encounter. Their capture was certain. David needed help, but there was no one who could come to his aid. This time there was no one to rescue him. There was no one to deliver him.


So, he cries out to the Lord to save Him (Ps 54:1). And the Lord delivers him. As Saul is pursuing David a messenger brings the news that the Philistines are attacking the land (1 Sam 23:26). Saul now must divert his forces away from chasing David to go after the Philistines. The timing of this attack was a testimony of God’s timing. It was no coincidence that the raid occurred exactly when it did. It was God’s control over David’s crisis. He was preserved by God’s providence.


God’s divine deliverance of David was commemorated in two ways. First the place where Saul turned away for pursuing David was renamed “the Rock of Escape” (1 Sam 23:28) and second David wrote a Psalm of praise recounting his rescue (Ps 54).


In the Psalm, one phrase attracts our attention, “God is my helper”. This one statement gives us hope in our most debilitating heartaches and our must difficult hardships. It relays to us the fact that His help is personal, powerful, and productive. It encourages us that the Lord sees our dilemmas and stands with us to deliver us. My darkest nights can see the emerging dawn when I know that God is my helper.


In this affirmation we can understand that God’s help is personal. Notice that David said “my” helper. The creator and control of all things has chosen to help me. He is on my side. He has taken my case. He is concerned about what confronts me and comes alongside to “help” me. He turns all his attention and affection to what is troubling me. When no one else cared, He cared. When no one else would help, He helped. Wow, the one who supports and sustains the universe and all that is in it takes time to help me. This thought in itself is overwhelming.


This phrase also attests to God’s power to help. Saul’s forces could not stand against the one who stood to help David. God’s help was not through combat or a catastrophe event but through conscience. It was a battle of the mind. God instigated the desired actions in the minds of the Philistines, the messenger and Saul to accomplish His protection of David. He influenced the commander of their forces to launch the raid, He led the messenger to find Saul and He lured Saul to retreat from pursuing David. God’s power was His power to persuade each of them to follow a specific course of actions at a designated time to deliver David. If He did all of this to rescue David, His power can deliver you.


God’s help is also productive. There are situations when people will offer to help us in times of crisis. The problem is that they can often do more damage than good. God’s help is always helpful. He takes what is in disarray and makes it good. His help is purposeful and profitable. David states that “the Lord is the upholder of my life”. He takes what is down and lifts it up. He sustains and supports us in our struggle. David later says, “I will give thanks to your name, O Lord, for it is good. For he has delivered me from every trouble. (Ps 54:6-7). All the time in every trouble, God tarries till we are delivered. He doesn’t stop till it’s done.


Today thank God for His well-timed help. Praise Him that no matter what difficulty you face He can deliver you. Thank Him for all the times that He has provided a “rock of escape” for you. Thank Him that He is your helper.

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