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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: May 1

Today's Bible Reading: 1 CHRONICLES 23:1-25:31 


1 Chronicles 25:6

They were all under the direction of their father in the music in the house of the LORD with cymbals, harps, and lyres for the service of the house of God. Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman were under the order of the king.


Singing has always been a vital part of the believer’s worship experience. It was the Lord who arranged for singing in the service. He assigned gifted skilled musicians to lead His people to proclaim His praise. He appointed the songwriters, singers and instrumentalists to direct the declaration of His grandeur and glory in song. These are the ones who put the words to music. They are those who prophetically pronounced His praise. Their songs profess His presence, providence, provisions and power. They herald His grace and mercy. They express in verse His attributes and excellence. They orchestrate a chorus of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.


This was and is the role of the divinely called worship leader. They are the musicians assigned to lead the congregation into praise. They are those specifically selected individuals responsible for coordinating the songs in the service. Their role in our worship should not be discounted or dismissed. Theirs is a monumental task. Their task is to pick ballads, hymns, psalms, songs, chants and choruses to use in directing our worship. They lead us to worship.


They were called to select songs that are doctrinally sound. They are commissioned to choose songs that describe the Lord’s character and declare His attributes. They are to compile songs that speak of the beauty of the Lord and bring honor and glory to His name. They are to exalt Him through the songs that they chose. Their song selections are to ring forth His righteousness, disclose His goodness, describe His kindness, and declare His faithfulness. They are to lead us to vocalize the excellencies of the Lord, exalting Him through song.


They were to accumulate songs that proclaimed healing and hope. They were to compose melodies that could be sung in times of delight or despair, choruses for times of celebration or crisis, and tunes for days of trouble or triumph. They were to put into words reminders of our relationship with the Living God and devise refrains that help us to recall all that the Lord has done and will do in and through our life.


They are to compose simple lyrics that could easily be learned and sung. They are to comprise memorable melodies that will resonate with us and become enshrined within the depths of our souls. This would enable us to declare His praise not just by singing the song, but by meaningfully singing the words of the song. Their lyrics can become our confession and their words can become our worship.


What a joy it is to know the Lord has assigned these gifted and talented vocalists and instrumentalists to bring forth inspiring songs. Songs that spring from the pages of scripture and worship that is birth from His Word. They are the songs that bring hope in our heartache, support through our struggles and stamina to stand strong in our walk.

These are the lyrics of life that lead us to worship the Lord.


Today thank God for Worship leaders. Praise Him for those who He has called and commissioned to compose the choruses that we sing. Thank Him that through what they have written we can proclaim the glory of our God in song. Rejoice that their songs lift the clouds in our dark days, bring joy in the midst of our pain and help us to have hope in the hardest of times. Take time today to thank a worship leader for their dedication and diligence in leading you to praise. Send a message to a musician who has penned a song that has helped you through difficult days. Thank God for music that leads us to look to Him.


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