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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Missed Opportunity

Updated: Feb 15

Missed Opportunity

Today’s Bible Reading: EXODUS 16:1-19:25


Exodus 16:21

Morning by morning they gathered it, each as much as he could eat; but when the sun grew hot, it melted.


Manna in the morning was an opportunity for God's people to gather what He provided for them. It was available to all, but access was limited. It was missed if not gathered in the morning, before the sun rose and melted it away. Missed opportunities mark our lives. Limited offers litter our days. The “I should haves” and “I wish I had”, haunt our memories.


God provided an opportunity every morning to be fed with the bread that he rained down from heaven. Every day God provided. Every day they decided. Before them every morning was the Lord’s daily provisions. Every morning it was manifest. Every morning they chose to receive it or reject it.


Consider that every morning is an opportunity to receive from our heavenly benefactor his bounty for our day. Day after day His bread is before us. Every morning is a moment to receive His manna. We mustn’t miss this event to encounter His provision for our day.   


The text addressed the missed moments, “but when the sun grew hot, it melted”, so to linger meant to lose the opportunity. Their excuses erased their encounters, “I’ll do it later.” “I just gotta do this one thing.” To delay was to dismiss the occasion. Like them, we must daily decide if we want to take advantage or turn away from gathering heaven’s sustenance. We must determine the profit of God’s provisions and our desire for what he has dispensed. Is it worth it? Do I have time for it? Do I need it?


The sun is rising on your new day. God’s manna for your day is manifest in His word. His bread is His book. Our spiritual sustenance is His scriptures. It lay before us like manna lying on the ground. Will you make the most of the opportunity or miss the occasion to be with Him? Will the busyness of your day melt away your moment?


Today you started your day in scripture. In doing so, it will stay with you throughout your day. Commit to daily gather manna before it melts away. Don’t let distractions keep you from doing it. Make it a regular routine. Don’t go spiritually hungry. It’s nourishment for your soul. Missed manna leaves you malnourished. So, don’t try to survive on yesterday’s scripture or try to make it on moldy manna, as it never satisfies. Get fresh manna each morning by moments with the Master. Don’t neglect what you need most. It’s the most important “meal” of your day! Gather it. Grow from it.

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