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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Today's Bible Reading: DANIEL 5:1-31, 7:1-8:27

Daniel 5:23

but you have lifted up yourself against the Lord of heaven. And the vessels of his house have been brought in before you, and you and your lords, your wives, and your concubines have drunk wine from them. And you have praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood, and stone, which do not see or hear or know, but the God in whose hand is your breath, and whose are all your ways, you have not honored.


We show honor in many ways to many different kinds of people. We honor our elders by being kind and considerate to them and helping them maneuver through and manage their life. We honor our parents by hearing and heading their counsel. We honor the achievements of educators, athletes, community leaders and others with awards and accolades. Our actions will often indicate the manner of honor that we bestow on something or someone. We dishonor something or someone when we disregard them or despise their purpose or designated position. Misplaced honor can lead to miserable results.


The king of Babylon had misplaced honor. He glorified the created things above the creator. He failed to recognize the Lord of heaven as the one true and living God in whose hand was his breath and all his ways. He held to and praised all but the one who was worthy of praise. His heart was hardened to the Holy. His ways were his own. His honor was his own. He gloried in himself above his sovereign. He touted his achievements and his accomplishments. He denied that the hand of heaven had any part in his status or success. But the handwriting was on the wall. He was toppled from his throne. He was deposed for his dishonor. He was humbled from his heights. His dishonor of the only one that deserved his honor brought about his dishonor. His misplaced honor led to his misery.


This narrative should cause caution to arise within us. Our pious disregard for the Lord, our self-consuming life and our deliberate defiance of him should give us pause. Although we may not be a public figure, we publicize our beliefs. We declare our allegiance. Our life and actions identify our affiliation. We are known by our ways not our words. How we live declares our devotion. Weighted in the balance, we are all accountable before a holy God. Our life is either lived for our own gain or for His glory.


Here is what we must consider. A life well lived is a life of worshiping Him. We must give ourselves wholly to Him. We must praise Him above all others. We must glorify His name in all that we say or do. We must be settled in His son. We must not live a life of dishonor that brings dishonor on our Lord. Instead, we must Love Jesus, Live for Jesus and let others know of Jesus. He holds our breath and all our ways. We must humble ourselves and in all our ways honor Him.


Today honor Him. Look at your life and dispense of those things that would displease and thus dishonor the one that you say you honor. Don’t let your actions disagree with your allegiance to the Lord. Commit to live a life that honors the one who gave His life for you. Pray that you may never misplace the honor that is due your master.


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