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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


December 9th

Today's Bible Reading


Colossians 3:2

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.


What we dwell on, we will probably do. Our mindset is our motivation. It focuses our desires. It formulates our decisions. It facilitates our direction. We decide and we do. We are moved by our mindset. Here we are admonished to set our minds on things above. We are challenged to seek the things where Christ dwells (Col 3:1). We are encouraged to dwell on the divine. We are told to be heavenly minded. 


The earthly minded individuals are at enmity with God (James 4:4). Their desires are different. Their direction is different. Their thoughts are consumed with the things of this life. They are preoccupied with how they can please themselves and others. But the heavenly minded are endorsed by God. His desire is their direction. His plan is their purpose. Their thoughts are focuses beyond this life. They seek in every way to please the Lord. 


Setting our minds on earthly things can lead to a false perception of who we are either good or bad. It can lead to pride or pushing us to discouragement and depression. But setting our mind on things above can lead to a true assessment of who we are in Christ. A heavenly mindset attests that we are loved by Him, we are accepted in Him and we are included with Him. 


Spiritual progress is predicated by our mindset.  Spiritual bankruptcy befalls those who focus on earthly things. Their worldly minds are set on worldly pursuits. Their thoughts are on self rather than their savior. They seek earthly satisfaction. Worldliness will often leave one empty and unfulfilled, resulting in spiritual deficiency. 


In contrast, spiritual blessings flow to those who focus on the things above. It befalls those who set their minds on heavenly things. They will deny self and dwell on their Savior. Their life is hidden with Christ in God. Their satisfaction is in Him. Their passionately pursuit is Him. They are the ones who strive to put off the old man so they can put on the new one. They desire to grow in Godliness and develop holiness. They are daily spirituality strengthen. The heavenly minded will be the ones who are maturing in their faith. Setting your mind on things above is the necessary beginning point of all spiritual formation.


Today deliberately focus your thoughts on the things above. Read a portion of scripture to begin your day. Meditate on what you read throughout the day. Recognize when your mind drifts and redirect it above. Where your mind goes your feet will follow. So, Ask the Lord to help you consciously seek to set your mind on things above. 

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