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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Mercy is More

Updated: May 10

Today's Bible Reading: PSALM 103, 108-110, 122, 124


Mercy is More


Psalm 103:11

For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his mercy toward those who fear him;


When we gaze into the heavens, we see a vast sky. Its’ borders are boundless. Its’ extent is endless. Its’ heights are unmeasurable. Its’ width is limitless. Mankind may never fully investigate its enormity. Comparing something to it, is to speak of is infinite nature, its’ colossal character and greatness.


David, the shepherd, often gazed into the night sky. He stared at its starry array. He would marvel at its great span. He would be overcome by its’ grandeur. He would view its’ vastness, contemplating the character of God, he would ultimately compare His mercy to this limitless expanse.


Here he compares God’s great mercy to the heavens. He declares that mercy is boundless in its scope, endless in its execution and ample in its administration. God’s mercy extends to the erring saint, yet is accessible to the repentant sinner.


This mercy is bestowed upon those who fear Him. It is sufficient for all, but only applicable to those who revere Him and humbly bow before Him in repentance. Mercy is granted to everyone who turns to and trusts in Him. Their act of faith activates His mercy withholding His wrath and diverting His judgment. It is massive mercy that extends beyond all their sin. It is marvelous mercy that remembers no wrongs they have done. It flows forth from their crucified Savior. It streams forth from His sacrifice for their sins. Here in Christ is justice applied and mercies manifest. It is a mercy as vast as the heavens and applied to the vilest of sinners.


This great mercy is available to all, yet applied only to those who fear Him. For those who have no reverence for the Lord, who revile His word and resist His way, theirs is only justice without mercy. To them mercy is withheld and is replaced by death without deliverance and harm without help. But mercy, awaits those who will turn from their sin to the Savior. It is appropriated to those who forsake their rebellious path and come to Jesus in repentance and faith. His mercy is as high as the heavens and held out to all. And although their sins are many His mercy is more.


Today when you are outdoors, gaze up into the sky. See its vast expanse and meditate on its endless extent. Recall this verse and with David affirm the massive mercy of the Lord in your life against the magnitude of all your iniquity. Praise God that His mercy is more than the sum of all your sins and that He holds no record of the wrongs that you have done. His mercy is always available for those who fear Him when they fail or fall. Ponder it and proclaim it to all.


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