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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Jan 9



Job 9:33

Nor is there any mediator between us, Who may lay his hand on us both. 


When catastrophe comes upon us, we often have friends that come to console, comfort and counsel us in our crisis. Some understand and aid in our agony, others misunderstand and add further anguish to our suffering. Job’s “friends” came to sit with him in his suffering. Their intentions were sincere, but their statements were unsettling.


They misstated his situation regarding his suffering. They assumed that the devastation that had come upon him was a direct result of his disobedience to God. They presumed that his suffering was because of his sin. Yet that was not the case. Job’s suffering was not because of any sin of commission or omission (Job1:8,22). His sin was not the source of his suffering.


Job’s situation seemed helpless. He felt at a disadvantage before God in that he could not plead with Him like he could with another person. In addition, he concluded that being a mere mortal, he couldn’t effectively plead his case before a majestic Holy God. He determined that it was impossible for him to approach or argue his case with the Almighty God. He needed a mediator. He hoped for an arbitrator who could stand for him before the Sovereign God. He sought someone who understood his situation and could plead his case before the Lord. He needed someone who could speak the language of heaven and humanity, someone who could bridge the gap between him and heaven. His friends couldn’t help him, but he hoped to find someone who could. He looked for someone that could bring peace between both parties.


Praise God that the New Testament tells us of the one Job sought. It tells of the one who could touch both realms and who came among us to be our arbitrator. Paul says, “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus . . . “ (1 Timothy 2:5). Jesus is the mediator. He is both heavenly and human. He is the God-man. He alone can engage both heaven and humanity. He stands as the bridge between us and God.


Jesus by His sinless life, sacrificial death and supernatural resurrection, has made peace with God for everyone who will trust in Him. His death has satisfied God’s justice and secured their salvation. His brokenness built their bridge. Our conflict was cleared on His cross. His did so not by declarations, but by His death. His words were His wounds and His stripes spoke for Him. All is made right through Him. Through Him man is reconciled to God.


Jesus is the answer to our alienation. Sin had brought our death, but through His death He has brought our salvation. God came down; the finite man was touched by the infinite God. Here the unholy gaining access to a Holy God through Jesus, the holy one. He is our mediator.


Today rejoice in Jesus the mediator. Praise God that Jesus is the arbitrator of salvation for a sinful humanity. If you have not trusted Him as your Lord and Savior, consider turning from your sins and trusting Him for your salvation right now. Believe in who He is and what He has done. Beseech Him to forgive you of your sins and give you His free gift of eternal life. He will. If you already know Him, rejoice in the wonderful work of salvation that He has wrought in your life. Let Jesus mediate on your behalf and bless Him when He does.

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