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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Marketplace Encounter

Updated: May 17


2 Chronicles 2:12

And Hiram said, “Blessed be the God of Israel who made heaven and earth who has given King David a wise son. . . “


Before his death, King David had forged alliances with surrounding kingdoms. He aligned himself with kingdoms that could aid Israel in multiple ways. One such alliance was with Hiram king of Tyre. Although they worshiped different gods, they worked together for the glory of God. From his ports, Hiram had secured the monopoly on maritime trade in the region. Tyre had vast resources and through their ports they could secure whatever was needed. Israel needed supplies to build a temple for the Lord. Hiram could supply these items. The Lord had provided through this pagan king the necessary people and provisions to build His temple.


David’s relationship with Hiram crossed religious barriers and opened a dialogue about the Lord. In his relationship, David never concealed his passion for the Lord. His alliance was with Hiram, but his allegiance was with his Heavenly Father. David’s desire to build a temple demonstrated to Hiram the depths of his love and devotion for the Lord. His longings and lifestyle reflected his relationship to God. This effected Hiram. It carried over into his relationship to Solomon. This led him to even affirm the existence of Solomon’s God, and the deeds He had done when he proclaimed, “Blessed be the God of Israel who made heaven and earth . . . “. We are not told if Hiram embraced faith in the Lord, but had David not established a relationship with him and Solomon continue that relationship, Hiram would never have seen or heard of the Lord.


We never know how God will use our daily encounters and interactions with people in our path. This story is a great affirmation of how our marketplace encounters can be opportunities to demonstrate and declare the gospel. A plumber, an electrician, a store clerk, a childcare worker, a teacher, a coworker or as in Solomon’s case, a business associate, are all great opportunities to develop godly relationships and have divine dialogues.


Today as you go about your day look for divine appointments to show and share Jesus. Look for your Hiram today.


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