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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Loved Regardless

Updated: Sep 19


Malachi 1:2

“I have loved you,” says the LORD. But you say, “How have you loved us?” “Is not Esau Jacob’s brother?” declares the LORD. “Yet I have loved Jacob.


What a great truth. I have loved you. No sweeter words have ever been expressed. Consider the ways He has loved you. In trials, I have love you. In tribulations, I have loved you. In trouble, I have loved you. In turbulence, I have loved you. Through sorrow, sickness, stress, suffering and strife, I have loved you. Even when we reject you, You have loved us. God has loved us.


His love is consistent. It is unchanging. It is unconditional. He has loved us. He loves us still. Israel is a beautiful portrait of God’s persevering love. Even though they were released from captivity and they revert to self-righteousness, He loved them. Through all their abstinence and opposition He cried “I have loved you.” Through their disregard and disobedience He called out, “I have loved you.” Through every encounter of disbelief and disdain He proclaimed, “I have loved you.” Through their continual rebellion and rejection He affirmed, “I have loved you.”


His eternal all-encompassing love reached them and reaches toward us. Throughout every corner of His creation His love is displayed. His love is manifest to all mankind. It is poured out over all. Through thick and thin, you have been loved. Through happiness and heartache He has loved you. His love has been freely given and fully expressed.


Yet even in these magnificent expression of His love, His people still inquired, “How have you loved us?” Really? How could they not see and sense how He has loved them. His love daily was lavished upon them as it is on us. It was displayed in His love toward them and upon us. His love was demonstrated in His patience toward them. It was clearly manifested in His provisions for them abundantly meeting all their needs. His graciousness was multiplied before them and His goodness was made known to them. Yet they give Him no regard. They displayed no reverence toward Him. They discounted all that His love had done for them.


Regardless of the response, His love is not constrained by or contingent on us. It is not relegated by man’s perspective. It may not be visible. It may be obscured, yet it remains. Like Israel and all humanity, you have been loved. You are loved. You will be loved.


Today, thank God that He lives you in spite of you. Ask Him to help others see and experience the overwhelming magnitude of His abundant love. Pray that they will know that they are loved regardless.


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