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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: May 28

Today's Bible Reading: PROVERBS 5:1-7:27


Proverbs 5:19 . . . And always be enraptured with her love.


A classic Beatles song has a line in it that asks “will you still love me, will you still need me when I’m 64” Have you ever noticed that often when people get married the romance evaporates. Oh, it was alive and well during the courtship, but once the honeymoon is over, so goes the romance. When we see a married couple in their 70’s or 80’s out on a date holding hands and kissing, it gives us hope that romance in marriage can last.


The writer of the proverbs was thinking about grandmas and grandpas in love. Notice the statement “rejoice in the wife of your youth”, he seems to be talking to an older married couple admonishing them to remember the love they had that drew them to each other. Now that wrinkles have set in the Spirit is admonishing them to “rejoice” in their relationship. Here we understand that what we prepare for now will determine how we will respond to our marriage in the future. The writer tells us to rejoice in our spouse and then tells three principles that will lead to a lasting marriage and continued romance even as we grow old together.


First, we are told to satisfy our sexual desires only with our spouse. God wants you to be intimate in marriage even in your 80’s. Notice the humor. He says, “as a loving deer and graceful doe, let her breast satisfy you at all times” She’s 80 and grandpa is no young buck! God made us to be intimate throughout a lifelong relationship. Decisions that are made regarding dating standards, sex and fidelity will affect us when we are older.


Second, we need to saturate ourselves with the love of your spouse. The proverb says, “always be enraptured with her love”. The Hebrew term that is used here is the term translated elsewhere “intoxicated”. We are admonished to allow our love for our spouse to be like alcohol running through our blood stream. As the alcohol permeates every part of the body of someone who is drunk and dictates their actions and emotions so your love for your spouse should flow through every part of your being driving you to respond toward them in love. Learn what it means to be loved by God unconditionally and express that kind of unconditional love toward the one you love. Be enraptured in the love of your spouse.


Finally, the proverb challenges us to stay faithful to the one that God leads us to marry by staying away from those who would draw us into intimacy outside of marriage. Don’t cheat on your spouse when you are married or cheat on your future spouse while you are single. As an unmarried individual the greatest gift that you can give to your spouse on your wedding day is sexual purity. Don’t be tempted, as so many others have been, by placing yourself alone in a compromising position with someone of the opposite sex. Don’t let your sexual urges dictate your actions in your relationships with the opposite sex. Wait till the honeymoon. If you have already had sex outside of marriage realize that God can and will forgive you and restore you. Turn to Him and allow Him to help you start fresh today!


Today thank God for the principles from this proverb. If you are married, rejoice in the wife of your youth. Ask the Lord to help you always be enraptured with the love of your spouse. Ask Him to help you always be satisfied in your relationship with your spouse, so you won’t be drawn away to find satisfaction with another. If you are single, ask the Lord to help you remain pure and holy as you wait on His direction in marriage.

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