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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Living Water


Ezekiel 47:9

And wherever the river goes, every living creature that swarms will live, and there will be very many fish. For this water goes there, that the waters of the sea may become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes.


It is said that water is the source of life and without it we would perish. Everything depends upon it. Ezekiel sees a vision of a trickle that turns into a torrent. It originates from the temple and spreads throughout the land. It pours out from the presence of God and engulfs the whole land. Nothing is left untouched be its flow. The decaying things are restored. The dead things come to life. Even the Dead Sea, devoid of life, teemed with living things. Everything lives where the river goes. Nothing can stall its progression, stay its course or squelch its purpose. It is a life giving flow. It heals all it encounters. It brings life from death. It is the River of the Lord. It is poured out over a dry dead land. It is unstoppable.


Here lays a truth to grasp. This is a picture of the Spirit of God. It is a portrait of the fountain of living water. It flows over the dead spiritual souls of men to quicken them. It brings them to life. It resurrects us from spiritual death to spiritual life. When this river flowing from the throne of God flows over the sin sick hardened souls of men they awaken. Their eyes open, their hearts soften, and their minds understand. They emerge from their dead state to embrace the savior. Life follows from the flow. For this we rejoice. We resound with praise that the river flowed over us. Once dead, we now live. We become alive to the one who brought life to us. May this river flood the whole earth bringing life to all men. Make it so Lord.


Today thank the Lord that the fountain of living water found you. Praise Him that its flow brought you form death to life. Thank Him that this river is accessible and available to all of us. Thank Him that there is nothing that can hinder its flow or halt its progress. Ask the Lord to let His life giving river flow over the hearts of those who remain dead in their trespasses and sins. Ask Him to let His living water flow over them “so everything will live where the river goes.”

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