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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Keeping Pure

July 12st

Keeping Pure

Psalm 119:8

How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.

One of the hardest struggles we face as believers is keeping ourselves pure and holy. The world fights against us, our flesh rises up to defeat us, and sin wants to overtake us. All of these oppose any path that would purse purity. But God did not leave us helpless. He has given us a plan that will help us to guard our hearts and enable us to remain pure in an impure culture.

Our text posses a question that has been ask by all of us, “How can a young man keep his way pure?” The implication of the Psalmist is that he has struggled with impurity and needs help to overcome his impure thoughts and actions. Perhaps like all of us, he had tried to win the fight for purity in his own power and strength, but failed repeatedly. But like him, we understand that the path to purity begins with our admission that there is a problem. It is then that we can procure the provision that will enable us to maintain our purity.

God’s provision is His word. Notice that the Psalmists answers His own question, when he says, “By guarding it according to your word.” The way of purity is protected by God’s word. It is the wisdom that we gain in scripture that keeps us on the path of purity. The detours that draw us away from God’s way are redirected when we encounter the exhortation and encouragement found in God's word. This sentry is available but must be accessed. It must be posted to provide the protection promised. God’s word must be positioned in our heart and mind to be the effective deterrent to impurity. We must meditate on and memorize scripture so it can be easily accessed and activated to protect our mind and heart from any and all impure thoughts and desires.

The Psalmist directs us how to do this when later in the text (Ps 119:10-11) he sets forth several things we can do so that “we might not sin” against God. First, we are encouraged to mobilize the protector of the path of purity by seeking the Lord with our “whole heart”. Second, we are told to stay on God’s path by not wandering from His commands. Finally, we are admonished to “store up” the scripture in our heart. When we seek the Lord, stay in line with His commands and store up His word in our heart, we are able to stand against the onslaught of impurity. When we memorize scripture, we maximize the capability to contain sin and stay on the path of purity.

Today thank the Lord that He has provided a plan to keep us on the path of purity. Praise Him that He has given us His word to keep our way pure. Ask Him to help you daily study and “store up” His word in your heart so you won’t sin against Him.

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