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In His Hand

Updated: Jan 12

In His Hand

Today’s Bible Reading: JOB 12:1-14:22


Job 12:9-10 

Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.  


Everything that happens in our life is by the hand of God. Our actions are under the sovereign control of the Lord. Our very life and breath are in His hands. Job understood this in the midst of his suffering when he exclaimed, “the hand of the Lord has done this”.


Every aspect of our life is in the hands of our glorious caring and loving Creator. Nothing escapes Him or evades Him. His directing hand guides us, His delicate hands hold us and His disciplining hand corrects us. We are in His hands. Every breath we take is from Him and every step we take is for Him. Paul agrees that “the God who made the world and everything in it . . . gives to all mankind life and breath and everything”. (Acts17:24-25).


The arrogance and ignorance of mankind often scoffs at this truth. They reject the idea that all things are under God’s providential care and control. It is by their own hand that all things happen. They declare that they are the product of their own destiny not of God’s divine design. They set their path and plan for their life apart from God’s participation. Their claim is that everything that occurs in life is by chance and circumstance not by the hand of a Creator.


Here Job debunks their declaration. He argues that all creative things recognize the integral involvement of their imminent Creator. He tells us to consult creation to give clarity to this concern. He states, “But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they will tell you. Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; And the fish of the sea will explain to you.” (Job 12:7-8). He continues by asking, “Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this?” Job knew and all of creation cries out that the Creator gives order to our disorder. He controls our calamity.


Job’s “circumstance” was not by chance, but by the hand of the Creator. He orchestrated it and He oversaw it. It was by His hand that it happened and, in His care, it is controlled. This is great news in our greatest grief. Our chaos is controlled by the caring hand of our Creator. We are in His hands and in His hands, we can handle the hardest of heartaches. Our hardships are in His Hands. It is His hands that hold us, heal us and help us.


Today thank the Lord that all those things that appear out of control in your live are in reality under His control. The hand of the Lord has done it and He will enable you to deal with it. Trust Him to help you to handle it. Cast your concerns into His care. You may not see Him working in your situation, but by His sovereign hand He will. Lay yourself into His hands to find the hope and help you need.

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