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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

In Control


Daniel 4:35

all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, “What have you done?”


Nebuchadnezzar was something. In his eyes, he was all that. He didn’t want for anything. He boasted of all that he had built and become. He was prideful. He was self-absorbed and self-consumed. He was only concerned with the “glory of his majesty”. He had no regard for God or the word that he had spoken to him through Daniel.


So God humbled him. He brought him low. The Lord stripped of his status. He detached him from his kingdom. In an instant he went from something to nothing. He went from lacking nothing to having nothing.


With his Royalty removed, he was exiled. He was relegated to eat grass like an ox in a field. He went from feasting in the palace to forging in the plains. He was brought low. He was humbled before the Lord.


Broken, he now understands that the Lord reigns over all things. That It is He who controls men, not Nebuchadnezzar. It is He who accounts mankind as nothing. He is the one who providentially oversees all things. It is He that does according to his will not our whims. He realized that what we build and had become was by his hand. He saw that any of our boasting is because of His benevolence. He acknowledged that all honor and glory belongs to Him.


It is easy to “glory in our majesty” We gloat, we tout, we brag and like this ruler we extol ourselves rather than exalt our Lord. Nebuchadnezzar raised Himself up and God brought him down. This is both a warning and encouragement to us. It is a warning not to lift ourselves above the Lord. It is an encouragement in that If God can move the most powerful ruler of the time from feasting to forging then there is no difficulty or dilemma that is beyond His reach and resources to resolve. Our hope is in the one of whom “none can stay his hand


Today rejoice that the Lord is in control even if your life is not. Thank Him that none can stay His hand or stop Him from doing according to His will. Thank Him that if the kings of the earth are in His hands so are you. Thank Him that there is no problem, predicament, or peril that you might face that is beyond His ability to arrest it. Rejoice that He’s got it.

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