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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

His Home

Updated: Apr 22

Today’s Bible Reading: 2 SAMUEL 5:1-6:11; 1 CHRONICLES 11:1-14:2


1 Chronicles 13:14

And the ark of God remained with the household of Obed-edom in his house three months. And the LORD blessed the household of Obed-edom and all that he had.


God’s presence makes a difference. Blessings follow those who bring the Lord’s presence into their home. His presence directs the dynamic of the home. His presence affects every aspect of family life. It shapes every relationship. It sways every decision. It strengthens faith and it stills every fear.


Neglect negates blessings. So often the Lord’s presence is pushed aside. It is put on the back burner. Busy lives bury His blessings. Life leaves out the Lord. He is dethroned from the sake of “the dream”. Although needed, He is not necessary. Other things take precedence. Priorities push aside His presence. Time with Him curtails. Worship becomes sporadic. Serving Him subsides. He’s there when we need Him. We’ll call on Him in crisis. We can manage without Him. We can make it for now.


Yet for Obem-edom the abiding ark altered everything. God’s presence was represented in the ark (2 Sam 6:2). Where it was, He was. It was His habitation. When the ark was placed in the home of Obem-edom, God’s presence was there. His presence remained within his home as long as the ark remained. It wasn’t removed or replaced. It became prominent. It was the priority. Everything centered around God’s presence. Everything was adjusted to accommodate the ark. The presence of the ark changed Obem-edom’s home, just like Christ’s presence in our home changes our home. Our home becomes His home. Mi casa es su casa.


There is a lesson here for us. Our home can be hectic and chaotic at times. There can be happiness one minute and heartache the next. Joy can turn to sorrow in a moment. Laughter can quickly be replaced by loathing. Conflict can emerge from the calm. Anger, strife, resentment, envy and jealousy can overtake a happy home. Blessings can turn to cursing. We need something that can stay the sudden storms that often arise in our home.


Because of sin we need the Lord’s presence in our home. He is what brings calm in our chaos and peace to our problems. A Christ-centered home is a healthy and happy home. Oh, sin still wants to rise up and ruin relationships. It seeks to wreak havoc in our home. It sets out to destroy what God is seeking to establish. But in all of this, God’s presence pushes us to peace. When He is the center of our home, we find forgiveness when we fail, healing when we are hurt, and mercy when we mess up. And because of this we can respond to others like the Lord has responded to us. A Christ-centered home changes everything, because Christ changes us.


The Ark of the presence of the Lord made a major difference in Obem-edom’s home and the Lord’s presence can have the same effect in your home. So, whether you live alone, have a roommate, it’s just you and your spouse, or you have a full house, strive to make Christ welcomed in your home. You do this by daily diving into the Word of God, by displaying the Word of God in how you treat others in the home and by declaring the word of God to all who enter your home. Make your home His home.


Today, evaluate your home. Ask the Lord to manifest His presence in your home. Thank Him for the never-ending grace and boundless mercy that He has shown you. Ask Him so help you be forgiving, merciful, and gracious to everyone in your home. Ask Him to help you manifest Him in your home. Thank Him that by His presence residing in your home you can flourish and thrive. Thank Him that because of His presence your home can be blessed and be a blessing to others.

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