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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Help Us

Updated: Apr 22


Ps 60:11Give us help from trouble. For the help of man is useless. 


We all have troubling days. We experience moments when we are overwhelmed and overcome by life. We live the lyrics of the Beatles song Help: “Help me if you can, I'm feeling down And I do appreciate you being 'round. Help me get my feet back on the ground. Won't you please, please help me.” We just need someone to help us get past this and move on with our life. We need someone to help us get our “feet back on the ground”.


The Psalmist was experiencing dark days of distress. The disobedience of God’s people had caused them to be “rejected” by God (Ps 60:1). They had been made to “see hard times” (Ps 60:3). They hoped for the Lord’s anger to be removed that they might be restored (Ps 60:1). Here David pleads with the Lord that they might be delivered from their despair (Ps 60:5), find relief from their trouble and be victorious over their foes. He cries out to the Lord to come and help them.


He affirms that the help of men is “useless” in this case. This is not to say that people can’t help in a crisis, but to say that they were incapable of helping when God had cast off His people and they were confronted by thousands of warriors. In this battle their efforts would be to no avail. Their feeble attempts to aid them would fall short. They would not be fighting against mere men, but against the Lord. Many would help if they could, but they can’t. The help that people would offer would be useless.


Knowing this, David cries out to the Lord. He knew that with the Lord they would “do valiantly” and He would “tread down” their foes (Ps 60:12). He recognized that when the Almighty aids us, we find hope and help. He understood that His hand would help them in their trouble. It was His strength that would enable them to stand. If would be by His power they would prevail. Without Him they would falter. Apart from Him they would fail. Their hope was in Him and their help would come from Him. They cried out to Him and He answered (Ps 60:6).


So, we too must find that the Lord is trustworthy when we are in trouble. We must call upon Him in our conflict, turn to him in trouble and plead with him in peril. We must count on Him to aid us rather than abandons us. We must realize that He remains with us regardless of our rebellion. We are His people. He will be faithful to us in the fight. His involvement in our trouble is not irregular or intermittent. He stays throughout the struggle. His help is certain. He delivers us from every difficulty and He saves us in every situation. There is no conflict He can’t conquer and no enemy He can’t eradicate. He stands ready to redeem. Ours is to ask and His is to aid. He will hear, He will come and He will help. He is the one that can help us get our “feet back on the ground”.


Today, Thank the Lord for His previous help in your times of trouble. Ask Him to continue to help you in the days ahead. Think about someone that you know is having “troubled days” and needs the Lord’s help. Take a moment and ask the Lord to deliver them as He delivered David. Pray this verse over them, “Lord, give them help from their trouble”. Let them know that you are interceding for them and that you stand ready to help them “if you can”.

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