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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

A Glimpse

Today's Bible Reading

A Glimpse

Rev 7:9-10

After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes

and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"


There are times in our lives when we are spent spiritually. The stress, strain and suffering that life brings causes us want to give up. We want to keep going, but we don’t see where this will all lead. It seems like this endless barrage of difficulty only brings doubt and disillusionment. If only we could get a glimpse of what lies ahead, then we might have hope to go on.


In John’s day the believers were encountering severe persecution. It was so severe at times that it brought a sense that the great apocalypse was upon them. These dear suffering saints longed for clarity to help them continue in their faith. Our text helped them to get a glimpse of a bright future that lay ahead of them regardless of the devastation and despair that was around them. It gave them hope in the midst of their utter hopelessness. It helped them to see that their present darkness would soon give way to the bright dawn of a new day. Hope, not horror, was on their horizon.


As we consider the text we notice first the great multitude that no one could number. This crowd of humanity count not be numbered. It was more than most of these suffering saints could ever imagine. This was not some small band of faithful followers who met at a house church weekly to encourage and enrich each other. Rather, this was a gathering of a multitude of small groups of Christians from all time. This was a massive gathering of people who had been saved. These suffering saints could take courage because they were not alone in their struggle.  


It is not only the number of believers that encouraged them, but the nationality of this multitude. They were described as being from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages. This was not just people from Palestine, but from throughout the world. They were the global church. They were the byproduct of the mission endeavors of every believer who ever took the gospel to the ends of the earth. This is the Christian connection that extends beyond all borders and boundaries. Our faith is a global faith. Our family is a universal family. The love and grace of God extends throughout the globe. Here is hope for the hurting Christian. No matter where you may go the Lord’s presence and the Lord’s people are there. There is someone who has suffered like you and will stand with you in your struggle.


This scene not only describes the people who are saved, but also details the product of our salvation. We are told that those present are standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were all gathered in the presence of the one who gave His life so that they could gather. Their attention was on Jesus. He had been central in their lives and now He is centered before them. Their lamb was in their presence. They had delighted in Him on earth and now they dwelled with Him in heaven. This alone could have fortified their faith, but the text continues to describe their apparel.


They were in white robes. No longer were they arrayed in the sin stained garments of this world, but they were clothed in white robes symbolizing purity and righteousness. They had their soiled garments washed in the blood of the Lamb.  Further, they held palm branches in their hands. Here was the symbol of victory. It is the picture of our victorious King standing before those He had delivered. Their struggle was over, their salvation had come. These were not the images of those weary and worn from the battle, but those who worshiped the one who won their battle. Their cry was no longer that of pain, but that of praise as with one victorious voice they proclaim, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!" This glimpse of our heavenly future is what gives us strength in our struggle and hope in our hurt. We must stand strong until the end because this is what awaits us. It is worth the wait.       


Today thank the Lord for giving us this glimpse of heaven. Praise Him for the assurance that our missionary efforts are not in vain as we see that someone from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages will be in heaven. Thank Him that we are not alone in our sufferings because in glory there is a throng of believers who have encountered what we experience. Thank Him for showing us what awaits us, so we can be encouraged to continue strong in our faith.    

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1 Comment

Dec 28, 2023

Thank you Buddy, I read the devotional today and was encouraged. I will follow your posts in days to come.

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