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Good Words

Updated: Jan 12

Good Words

Today’s Bible Reading: JOB 15:1-18:21


Job 16:4-5

I also could speak as you do, If your soul were in my soul's place. I could heap up words against you, And shake my head at you; But I would strengthen you with my mouth, And the comfort of my lips would relieve your grief.


We all want friends that can stand beside us when things befall us that we didn’t bargain for. Our hope is that they will help us to decipher our difficulty and speak words that would “relieve our grief”. We desire comfort above criticism. But some who come to help us end up hurting us. Their words assault us rather than aid us. They misconstrued our misery and are misguided in their counsel. They come and “heap up words against you” instead of helping you.


Job has listened to the comments of his friends. He finds that they don’t understand his difficulty. They have not discerned the nature of his distress. Their “windy words” bring him no consolation or comfort in his crisis. He proclaims that they are “miserable comforters” (Job 16:2). He wished that they understood what he had experienced and could empathize with what he encountered. He longed for someone who had walked where he is walking and who had been through what he was going through. He hoped for someone who could comprehend his crisis and comfort him.


Job turns and advises his advisors. He counsels those who should be counseling him. He confronts their arrogant option of his condition and their abrasive language that brought no comfort to him. He remarks that he could respond like them. He could “heap up words against them”, verbally trampling them and finding fault with them. He could shake his head in scorn for them. He could, but he chooses not to. He challenges them to consider how they would want him to respond if their roles were reversed.


Job declares he would choose a different path. His counsel would consider their circumstances and thoroughly contemplate their condition. His words would provide strength for their struggle and comfort in their crisis. He would seek to assuage their anguish. His comments would be life giving and gracious. He knew that good words would bring good results. His hope would be to relieve their anguish and bring help and healing into their heartache.


These are great words of wisdom from one who has experienced agonizing advice. It behooves us to emulate Job. His guidance should be our guidelines. In times when we are called upon to counsel a friend, we should heed Job’s counsel. Before you counsel them, carefully consider what you would expect to be expressed if the roles were reversed. Let that direct how you would advise them. Encourage them to rely on the perfect comforter, the Holy Spirit, to give them the strength and stamina they need to handle their situation and direct them to God’s words to provide the comfort and counsel that will help them manage their misery.


Today consider what kind of a friend you will be when your friends need you. Ask the Lord to surround you with good friends who can walk with you through your worst times. Thank Him for those who have helped you to handle your hard times. Ask him to enable you to be like Job when a hurting friend needs your counsel. Don’t be a miserable comforter. Instead, speak good words into their grief.

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