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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Good News

Updated: Sep 19

Today's Bible Reading: LUKE 1:39-2:11; MATTHEW 1:18-25 


Luke 2:10-11

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.


In a world of bad news, good news is exhilarating. News that changes lives like a patient recovering or a healthy birth excites us. News of a price marked down or a lost item that is found gives us joy. Any good news or any kind thrills us. Great tidings are always a reason for rejoicing.


But imagine something that has long been awaited finally arriving. The Messiah has come. Consider the overwhelming excitement that the arrival of this expected one would create. Now the mystery would be made known. The hidden one would finally be revealed. It would be fantastic news. It would be joyously received.


So it was with the message of the Messiah. Many prophecies had been foretold of His coming. The details of His arrival were clearly outlined in the pages of the ancient manuscripts. His lineage (2 Sam 7:12-13), the manner of His birth (Is 7:14), and the place of His birth (Mic 5:2) were all spaced sporadically over time throughout the scriptures. There was no doubt that He was coming and how He would come, but the time of His arrival was a mystery veiled from view. But now He had come. The angelic fanfare with great pageantry announced His entrance upon the scene. The long awaited one was here and that is good news of great joy.


Here was great news of a savior. It was announced not to the aristocrats or the religious elite, but to shepherds in the fields. They were the first to receive the report of the redeemer. These herdsmen were the first to hear this glorious news. God chose to bypass the religious leaders and tell the shepherds. But this seemed odd in that the shepherds were considered outcasts and lawbreakers. They were the discarded and despised by the religious rulers. They were unworthy of such a significant honor.


But that is who first heard the message of the Messiah. Probably because that is to whom Jesus came. He came for all the people. This great news was made known to them because the Messiah came for the outcast, the downtrodden and the rejected (Isa 29:18). He came to save sinners not the so called “spiritual”. His whole ministry was for the disenfranchised and dejected. Now the hopeless were given hope because unto them was born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Their deliverer has been delivered to them. The Messiah in a manger was their hope.


This message of acceptance had arrived. Their Christ had come. Their Savior had been made known. Hope was on their horizon. This great news of a glorious Savior was their hope of salvation. It is our hope as well. We like them are sinners in need of a Savior. We are also outcasts that need to be brought in. We are the rebellious that need a redeemer. The angelic message of good news of great joy is good news for us as well. Our Messiah has come. That is a reason for Great Joy!!


Today celebrate Christmas. Man has set December 25th as Christmas Day, but there is no designated time to celebrate, because every day is our Christmas. Everyday should be a day of good news of great joy because of the birth your Savior who is Christ your Lord. Thank the Lord for loving you so much that He would leave eternity for you that you might live eternally with Him.

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