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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

God Will

Updated: Jan 9

God Will

Today’s Bible Reading: GENESIS 35:28-29, 40:1-41:57


Genesis 41:16

Joseph answered Pharaoh, "It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer."


There are times when we can’t see the end of a situation. There are moments when we can’t find a solution for our problem. We often ask others to help us understand what we can’t comprehend. Our hope is that they can give clarity to our concern. At times their answer seems reasonable, but often we remain confused.


Pharaoh had some disturbing dreams. He didn’t understand their meaning. He sought answers through the typical means of the time, consulting his magicians and counselors. They were unable to interpret his dreams. Then, His cup bearer recalled how Joseph had correctly interpreted his dream in prison. Joseph was summoned. When posed with the task of decoding the dream, he didn’t hesitate to indicate his inability to accomplish the task. He boldly declared, “ He knew that the God who caused the dream was the one who could deconstruct its meaning. He couldn’t, but God could.


God had given Joseph the gift of interpreting dreams. He did not glory in his gift, but glorified God for the gift. He knew that his ability was only accessible by God’s capability. God distributes gifts as He wills to accomplish His will. Spiritual gifts are given not that we can glory in what we have, but that we can glorify Him for what we have been given. Joseph’s recognition of his utter and complete dependence on divine revelation to interpret dreams directed all praise and glory to the Lord. He pointed Pharaoh to praise God for the peace that he would experience.


When confounded with uncertain or unclear circumstances, God must be our first recourse, not our last resort. Pharaoh had no peace in his problem until he sought the Lord God. His mind was quieted when his quest was to seek the Lord’s solution for his situation. The one who causes all things is the one who can clarify all things. Wise counsel from others is important, but wisdom from the omniscience is essential. When confounded with a conundrum come to Him. He stands ready and willing with your remedy. He has the answer, look to Him first to find it.


Today think back on some of your current dilemmas. Recount the process that you implemented to determine your course of action. Reflect on the point if any at which the Lord was brought into the process. Resolve that in future the Lord will be the essential element in every decision. Before you consult them, consult Him. Then when the Lord brings peace in your problem let all praise point to Him.

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