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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

God Sent

Updated: Jan 9

God Sent

Today’s Bible Reading: GENESIS 42:1-45:15


Genesis 45:8

So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt.


Nothing happens by chance. All things are directed by the divine. We make choices. We decide what to do and where to go, but it is God who acts to accomplish His purpose. Our paths are under His plan. We choice where we want to live and work, but He moves the pieces of our life to place us where we can most effectively serve Him.


Joseph didn’t choose Egypt; God choose Egypt for Joseph. From the outside, it appears that the circumstances placed Joseph in the most unfavorable position to help his family trough a great famine. Yet throughout His story, we see God sending him there. In Potiphar’s house the “Lord was with him” (Gen 39:2). In prison, the “Lord was with him 

“ (39:21). The Lord was with him in Pharaoh’s presence to interpret his dreams (41:15). It was God who sent Joseph to Egypt to accomplish His plan, providentially placing him there for His purpose.


This is a great truth to consider. We are God sent. He is behind the scenes of the script of our life supernaturally coordinating our movements for His purpose. He divinely designs where we go and what we do. He ordains the opportunities. He arranges the encounters. He is not distant, but directing. We must recognize that we are “God sent’ at our job, at school, in our neighborhood, at the store, at the gym and in every arena of our daily lives. This puts a new perspective on our lives. We are “God sent” every moment of our lives. We are sent by Him to serve where He sends. This thought is not just for missionaries “sent” to the mission field, but for us “sent” to our job, “sent’ to the store, “sent” to the gym. A sense of sent should cause us to show and share Jesus wherever God sends us.


Today as your go about your day, rejoice that as God sent Joseph, He has sent you too! Go about your daily routines with this thought in the forefront in your mind. Consider that if God sent you, He wants to use you. Your activities and encounters are not random chance encounters. God is orchestrating them. He has a purpose for them and for your involvement in His purpose. You are sent. Serve him as sent ones.

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