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Gaze Back to Go Forward

Updated: Apr 5

Today’s Bible Reading: 1 SAMUEL 17:32-19:17-24, PSALM 59

1 Samuel 17:37

And David said, “The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And Saul said to David, “Go, and the LORD be with you!”


One writer said of this text: He did not save us from the beasts of the forest to let a giant kill us. (Spurgeon)


As David did, we encounter battles in our life. His struggle was against paws and Philistines. Our clash is against doubt, despair, depression and disbelief. It is perceptions, people, posts and predicaments that stand as obstacles to our sanctification. Our conflict is against situations that seek to impede our growth. Our assaults come from circumstances that are to giant for us to defeat in our own strength. Our faith is tested and our trust is tried. Like David we must look backward to move forward.


When we dwell on the battle, defeat seems evident. Destruction appears eminent. Whatever ground we have gained seems to be pushed back. When this happens our progress will be paused, our sanctification slowed and our confidence crushed. We must look where David looked and draw strength from the past so we can move forward in faith.


Our struggle may be different then David’s, but the solution is the same. Like him, it is in remembering former battles that we find hope. Our help came not from power within, but from a powerful savior. The Lord who delivered us in the past will bring deliverance to us in the present. His power will empower us. His arm will be our armament. His strength will enable our strength. We turned to him then. We relied on him in that moment. We trusted in him before and we can trust Him again. He can do now what He did then.


David raised his past deliverance from skirmishes with beasts as his banner for his present struggle. Carcasses of dead beast brought confidence for his current battle. It’s not the size of our giants but the size of our God that brings victory. It’s not the present dilemma, but past deliverance that makes us run into the battle. It was the Lord who delivered us then and it is the Lord who will deliver us now. Supplied with more than stones and slings, we have confidence amidst the conflict.


Jesus brought your deliverance from sin and He will deliver you from your current battle with sin. Our hope is in Him. Our help comes from. Armed with the Almighty we can advance. We can run toward our battle, knowing He will reign victorious in the battle. We can face our struggles standing in the strength of our Savior. Past deliverance assures us of present victory. We can look to the past to find hope in the present. By faith we can face our greatest foes as we say with David, “The LORD who delivered me . . . will deliver me.”


Today recall all those times in the past when the Lord rescued you. Look back at what He has done for you. Praise Him that during your most difficult days He delivered you. Thank Him that as He delivered you then, He can and will deliver you now. Ask Him to help you trust Him to deliver you now and in your troubled days ahead. Commit to always gaze back so you can go forward.

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