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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: May 17


1 Kings 2:27 (1 Sam 2:27-36)

So Solomon expelled Abiathar from being priest to the LORD, thus fulfilling the word of the LORD that he had spoken concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.


At times we don’t perceive or comprehend why certain things happen. We question their occurrence. We contemplate their reason. We wonder why God allows it. We can’t interpret the incident. We ask why we are going through it. We can’t determine why this has been put on us. Confusion overtakes us and discouragement overwhelms us. We want answers. We want understanding.


We want to see God’s plan in it, but our pain blurs His purpose. His message is muddled. His path is foggy. Like Joseph in the pit, David in the cave, and Paul in prison… our trust is tested. We are certain of His control. We are positive He has a plan. We know that He works all things after the counsel of His will, no plan of his can be thwarted and He does as He pleases. We understand that He works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. But we doubt. Our distress darkens His decision. We can’t see any good coming from this and we can’t discern how this can be a part of His plan.


The mystery is manifested in the text. The truth is told. Abiathar defied the king, so Solomon dismissed him. But Abiathar’s removal from the priesthood was not by happenstance, but by the hand of God. It was performed because of God’s prophetic proclamation (1 Sam 2:27-36). Solomon acted according to his own will, but it was done according to the will of God. Abiathar’s exile was done in order to fulfill the word of the LORD that he had spoken concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh”. God had foretold this would happen 100 years earlier. You see Abiathar was a priest from the line of Eli. God’s judgment was on Eli for honoring his sons above the Lord. God said He would remove the house of Eli from serving as priests. God had vowed and now He makes good on what He had vowed. God must be true to His word. His honor was at stake. His trustworthiness was on trial. What He said He must do.


We can stand by what the Lord says. We can trust what He tells us. Although Abiathar’s situation didn’t have a great outcome, it doesn’t mean that ours will be similar. We cannot foresee what lies ahead, but He can. Whether in bright days of delight or dark nights of despair we can trust Him. We may not always be comfortable with His plan, but we can be confident in His care. We may have been repulsed by people or removed from a position, but we will never be rejected by our Lord. Heartache doesn’t hold on. Crisis won’t continue. Failure is not forever. Joseph emerged from the pit to be in Pharaoh’s court. David came out of the cave to be king. Paul was released from prison to preach the gospel. Like them, our hope is not in the hardships we face, but in whose hands we are held. Jesus receives with delight the­­­­­ dismissed, distressed, disillusioned, discouraged and the disheartened. So hold on to Him even when it feels like He is not holding you.


Today thank the Lord that He fulfills His word. Rejoice that what He has said He will do. Ask Him to help you to be patient with His plan. Ask Him to trust that His plan for you is the best plan. Thank Him that nothing escapes His purpose and that everything He foretells will come to fruition.

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