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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Jul 9, 2023

July 7th


Psalm 92:12

The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

We all want to flourish. We want to experience a life that grows and thrives. We want a life of meaning and purpose. But not everyone flourishes, some flounder. They make flourish for a while but they eventually fade away.

The text before us contrasts the traits of the unrighteousness and that of the righteous. It compares the unrighteous to the grass. It says they "sprout like grass" but then it adds "they are doomed to destruction forever." (Ps 92:7). Grass sprouts up quickly and in abundance. It appears to be hearty and robust but in the end is ruined. It is short-lived. The grass, like the unrighteous, flourish for a while but then welts and dies. They have no lasting presence or longevity. They are cut down and become cud for cattle.

But the righteous are different. They are compared to "the palm tree" and "a cedar of Lebanon." Both of these trees have lasting and enduring qualities. They remain intact. They flourish and grow even into old age.

The palm tree referred to here are not the ones that live along the coastlines, but they are the ones found in the desert. They stand tall and steady. Their branches reach upward despite the death and drought of the desert. These palms, like the righteous, withstand their harsh and hostile environment without floundering. They are not shaken or moved by the lack of rain, scorching winds, and the brutal heat. The palm, like the righteous, grows steady and slow throughout the seasons of life. They flourish regardless of their circumstances.

The righteous are also compared to "a cedar of Lebanon." These majestic mighty pillars arise lofty towards the heavens. They also steadily grow and remain strong and resilient throughout the seasons. The bitter cold and the brutal winds don’t topple these towering trees. They remain evergreen and unchanged by the shifting seasons. High atop the unsheltered mountains they are not shaken by the smallest distraction or the greatest disruption. Like the righteous, they grow strong and steady.

So the righteous flourish like the palm and cedar. Their faith journey is slow and steady. They are not shaken by a situation that would uproot or topple their faith. They stand as pillars of the collapsing faith of those around them. Their faith does not diminish or decline with age. Even when they are old "they still bear fruit in their old age." They have been tested, tempted, and tried and yet remain strong in their spiritual commitment. Circumstances don’t direct them, but Christ does. They flourish despite what might befall them. They grow no matter what grows against them. They are unshaken by the unseen. They are not moved by the unknown. They have remained and will remain steady and strong pillars of a long lasting faith. They flourish and grow even into old age.

Today thank God that you are like a palm tree and a cedar. Ask Him to help you faithfully live out that comparison. Ask Him to help you to still bear fruit in your old age. Thank Him for the examples of the faithful saints that have remained steady and strong even when they stumble or slip up. Thank Him for the flourishing faithful.

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