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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Apr 12

Psalm 56:3

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.


Everyone is afraid eventually. Our text doesn’t say “if” I am afraid, but “when” I am afraid. Fear is unavoidable. It is certain. Most think of fear as terror or fright, but it can manifest itself in various ways such as dread, dismay, disillusionment, depression and doubt. Anxiety and angst also are forms of fear. Even uneasiness and worry can evoke fear. Fear is real. It can be debilitating. It can paralyze our whole being. It can incapacitate us. It affects our thoughts and actions as well as our emotions. Often, we cannot function until our fear has passed.


David was in a desperate situation that caused him to be frightened for his very life. He was running from Saul and decided to flee to the city of Gath in the land of the Philistines. He reasoned, “Now I shall perish one day by the hand of Saul. There is nothing better for me then that I should escape to the land of the Philistines. Then Saul will despair of seeking me any longer . . . and I shall escape out of his hand.” (1 Sam 27:1). But his reasoning was faulty because the giant that he had slain was from the city where he sought refuge (1 Sam 17:4) and he was in the possession of Goliath’s sword (1 Sam 21:9). Needless to say, upon entering the city, he was immediately confronted (1 Sam 21:12) and a plot was hatched to kill him (Ps 56:1-2). His callous choice led to catastrophic consequences. He was afraid.


But he did not let his fear hold him captive. His terror was abated by his trust. He turned his thoughts away from his trouble to the one who could turn his trouble into triumph. He proclaimed, “When I’m afraid, I put my trust in you.” His hope was not in his own skills or strength. His trust was in the Lord. What he had learned about the trustworthiness of God in the past conflicts enabled him to trust in his present crisis.


This whole Psalm testifies to finding faith when fear finds us. The truths that David had learned about God helped him to trust God. He first expressed that His confidence was in the character of an unchanging God. He states I trust in you. (Ps 56:3, 11). He had trusted him in the past perils and now he trusted that He was still trustworthy in his present predicament. God hadn’t changed, He still could be trusted. He also held to the counsel of a wise God. David affirms “In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord whose word I praise” (Ps 56:4,11). God’s word could be trusted. What He said He would do. Further David had confidence in the compassion of a caring God. He professes, “You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book? (Ps 56:8) God’s continual care for David was evident. It was evidenced by the fact that God recorded every struggle that he ever faced in His book and He remembered every tear that he ever shed by keeping them in His bottle. (Ps 56:8). God never forgot what David faced in the past. He cared for him then and He cared for him now. Finally, David trusted in the control of sovereign God. He writes, Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call. This I know that God is for me (Ps 56:9). His help in the past came from His ever-present Lord. His confidence was in God’s control of his uncontrollable crisis. His faith was in the one who was faithful in the past.


Founded faith frees us from fear. Certain unshakable faith undermines fear. A substantial faith in something or someone can suppress fear. It gives us a hope that we can hold on to. It provides the help that will help us through. We must trust the one who has proven trustworthy. We must trust the Lord. Fear can’t topple those who trust in Him. It can’t capsize those whose confidence is in God. His strength supports them. His care cradles them. His presence and power pacifies them. Fear is dispelled by faith. Our terror is turned by our trust in Him. It is to Him we must look. It is in Him we must put our trust. Fear flees when faith is formulated. So, when fear overcomes you overthrow it by faith in Him. Let your mantra be, “When I’m afraid, I will put my trust in Him.”


Today memorize this simple verse. Meditate on it all day and throughout this week. Let it be so planted in your mind that it will be the first thing you think of when trouble terrorizes you and fear wells up in you. Thank the Lord that His unchanging character, His wise counsel, His compassionate care, and His sovereign control gives you confidence to face any fear with faith in Him. Ask Him to help you put your trust in Him when you are afraid.

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