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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: May 17


2Chronicles 7:3

For he is good his mercy endures forever


Here are two great truths of the Lord God. These are two traits that should ring in our ears every day. Here His character and nature are affirmed. He is good. He is merciful. This attribute and action dictate His response to His people. They are two affirmations that should resound from the lips of His people.


First, consider His goodness. It is not conditional on our goodness. God is just good. This defines Him. It is not that He does good, but that He is good. It encompasses all our encounters with Him. His thoughts are good. His deeds are good. He is good and good things flow from Him.


Second, look at His mercy. It too defines Him. Mercy can be defined as not getting what we deserve. His mercy is not contingent on our merit. It is not applied to the deserving but to the depraved. We deserve His wrath. We should receive the full measure of His burning anger against our rebellious sinfulness. Yet His mercy is applied. The wrath we deserve is placed on another. Mercy is our judgement applied to Jesus. It is our sins put on His sinless son.


This was not a momentary mercy. It is eternal enduring forever. That is great news. We never stop deserving His wrath and He never stops administering His mercy. There is nothing we have done or can do to every cancel or cause His mercy to cease. Once given, it can never be taken away. It endures for every. In this He is good. In this He is merciful. In this He is forever to be praised.


Today thank God that He is good. Praise Him that He has poured out His mercy on His people. Thank Him that His mercy endures beyond our continual failures and faults. Bless the Lord for His forever mercy.


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