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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Apr 12

Today’s Bible Reading: 1 SAMUEL 20:1-21:15, PSALM 34  


Psalm 34:7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.


Trouble will find us. Difficulty will devise its destructive measures against us, Trials will taint us. There is no way to evade or avoid them, but there are those that stand with us in them.


David had a dilemma. His enemies were all around him. Saul was pursuing Him and the Philistines were in front of Him. He was alone and afraid. Helpless and uncertain, he fled to the Philistines. Unfortunately, he was not received well. Captured and terrified he hoped for rescue (1 Sam 21). His rescue came from the Lord.


In this Psalm, David describes the Lord’s power and presence in his deliverance from danger. It was the Lord’s hand that helped Him. It is the Lord who delivered him from all his fears and “saved him out of all of his troubles”. This was a cause for resounding praise and thanksgiving.


In the text David depicts the role of the “angel of the Lord” who aided in his release. Here the angel of the Lord could refer to a specific angel or just one of a host of angels. Regardless, we are told that this special messenger of God played a significant role in David’s rescue.


The scriptures describe many facets and functions of angelic beings. Some of them include: announcing things to us (Luke 1:26), aiding us (2 Kings 19:35) and advocating for us (Dan 10:11-13). Hebrews 1:13-14 tells us that angels are “ministering spirits” sent to serve us. They direct, defend and deliver God’s people.


Our text gives insight into their purpose. We are told that they specifically serve saints. It is “those who fear him” for whom the angels are assigned. Only God’s people benefit from their services. We who serve Him are served by them. Those who are friends with God have angels for friends. In addition, their protection is not limited by space or time. Being innumerable and invisible spiritual beings, they are available and accessible to all of God’s people in all places at all times. They are always present for all God’s people. They are good “friends” to have.


We also see in David’s case that an angel or angels were deployed to defend Him. They “encamped around” him. David attests that he wasn’t rescued by his own abilities or skill. He wasn’t delivered by his own valor or volition, but by the gracious goodness of the Lord sending aid via His angel. It is significant to notice where they positioned themselves. This spiritual force was completely surrounding the venerable saint. They became an impenetrable spiritual wall providing safety for the scared saint. Their entrenched encampment provided a circle of protection around him. These guardians of the saints provide the security and sanctuary that the greatest armies of man cannot provide. Angels around us arrest the angst within us.


One final consideration is the task of these sent spirits. The text simply says, “and delivers them”. They are commissioned by their commander to come to our aid. They are our divine rescue team. They are designated to defend and deliver God’s people from danger. It is in the Lord’s angelic provision that we can find help.


David’s’ testimony is our assurance. The servants of God are protected and defended by angels. It should bring us great comfort to know that in our crisis the Lord commands angels to aid us. They are ready at any time and in any place to assist us. We don’t call on them, but the Lord who sends them. As David said, “I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”


But there is another who stands with us. He is the Lord Jesus, sometimes referred to as the angel of the Lord. He is our front and rear guard. He is encamped around us. It is He who is the watchman over us. There is no gap in his guard or weakness in His wall of protection. We are safe in Him. We are secure in Him. No fortress is as fortified as His presence. No force is as formidable as His power. He is our everlasting hope and help


Today thank the Lord that right now unseen ministering angels are accessible to you. Thank God that He has appointed them to assist you in your anxiety and anguish. Praise Him that we can trust Him to send them to help us. Thank Him that in Christ we find one greater than the angels that can deliver all who call on Him in crisis.

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