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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Draw Near

December 12

Today's Bible Reading

Draw Near


James 4:8

Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. 


Here is a principle attached to a promise. The principle is that we can come close to God. We can draw near to the divine. The Almighty is accessible. The way is unobstructed and the obstacles have been removed so we can enter into His presence.


Previously the route was restricted. The entrance into His holy presence was confined to the high priest once a year. It was closed to the common man. It was inaccessible to us. It was the blood that brought the priest near. It was the sacrifice for sin that permitted the sinful priest to approach the sinless sovereign. The unholy was made holy to be before the holy one. But this was only once a year, no more.


But in Christ we have open access anytime. By His death we can draw near. Through His resurrection the road is cleared. Now we can draw near. The torn vail is the testimony of His victory. All can come. By Jesus we can come near. There is nothing standing in the way of us standing before Him. We can draw near. 


What great hope for the hurting, they can draw near. What a glorious word for the wonderer, they can draw near. What a grand declaration for the disillusioned, the depressed, the destitute and the disenfranchised, they can all draw near. You can draw near too. No matter where you are at or what you have done, you can draw near. So come. Come as you are. And draw near. 


None who come will be cast out. That’s the promise. All can come. All who come will be accepted. No one is rejected. All are received. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Do you hear his response? You take the first step and He will step toward you. Come to Him in your sorrow, suffering and struggle. He will come to you with support, strength and solutions. He will care for you. He will comfort you. He will hold you. He will help you. He will heal you. His promise awaits. Come toward Him and He will come to you. Like the prodigal returning to his father, the Lord will run to you. He will embrace you. He will hug you. He will kiss you. He will receiving you, revive you and restore you. Christ has given us access. So draw near. He stands ready to receive you. 


Today draw near, by mediate on His word. Draw near in prayer laying your cares and concerns of the day before Him. Throughout your day as difficulties arise draw near. When despair sets in draw near. As your day progresses look and listen for how He is drawing near to you. Heed His principle and draw near. Hold to His promise and He will draw near. 

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