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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Doing Disciple

December 12

Today's Bible Reading

Doing Disciples 

James 1:22

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.


Belief and behavior should coincide. There should be no conflict between our confession and our conduct. We must not affirm sometime we do not act upon. Hearing must not occur without doing. We must be doers and not hearers only.


But you can’t do what you don’t hear. When our ears and eyes are closed to the things of God we are not able to comply with His teachings. Our disinterest in His words leads to disobedience to His will. We become deceived. We think that merely listening will lead to spiritual growth, but listening is insufficient. We must hear and heed His word to become mature disciples.


A life that pleases the Lord is one that walks according to His ways. Disciples are doers. They take hold of the truth of God in His word and actively seek to implement it into their daily lives. What they hear they do. What they learn they live out. They practically put the principles of God’s word into practice. 


Our text compares one who hears but does nothing to a man observing himself in a mirror. This man forgets what he looks like when he walks away. One typically stares at their image to observe their appearance. And once they look into the mirror, they discover their true appearance. Mirrors reflect what is there, they don’t lie. Based upon what is seen, we act to make appropriate adjustments to our appearance.


Using this imagery, James visualizes the word of God as a mirror. When we gaze into God’s word, it reveals who we are before God. It points out our true nature both good and bad. It begs for attention. We make necessary adjustments to either continue doing those things that please God or change those things that do not please Him. It is by acting upon what we see and hear in His word that we become mature believers. So, don’t be the one who hears His word and does nothing, be a doer of the Word. Be a doing disciple.


So today, when you look into a mirror and make affirmations and adjustments regarding your appearance, reflect on the necessity to daily place yourself where you can receive and respond to God’s word. Hear it and do it. Be the doing disciple. You will be blessed for it. 

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