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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Do It

Updated: Apr 12

Today's Bible Reading: 2 SAMUEL 3:6-4:12

2 Samuel 3:18 (1Sam 28:17)

Now then, do it, (NKJV) for the LORD has promised David, saying, ‘By the hand of my servant David I will save my people Israel from the hand of the Philistines, and from the hand of all their enemies.’” (NKJV).


Hearing the Lord and doing what He says is not the same. We read His word. We see what He says. We know what to do, but often hesitate. We second guess God. We deliberated over decisively doing it. Our uncertainty leads to inaction. Our doubt leads to delay. Hesitation holds us back.


Saul’s reign as king was over. He was deposed. His kingdom was stripped from him (1Sam 28:17). David had been anointed to replace him many years earlier (1Sam 16:1-14). All this was clear. Samuel had heard from God. He had heeded his voice and carried out God’s command. Years pasted. He had been anointed king, but never appointed king. After Saul’s death, David is finally appointed king, but only over part of the kingdom. Others placed Saul’s son, Ishbosheth, as king over the remaining Israelites (2 Sam 2:1-11). This brought about a seven and half year civil war. Hesitancy led to havoc.


God’s path was revealed. God’s people were reluctant. Problems ensued. Doubt led to disparity. Their wavering led to war. God had promised, but they had procrastinated.


We are no different. We hear God speak and hesitate. We are skeptical of what He says. We are unsure and thus unwilling to adhere. We want to do it, but we waiver. We seek to obey, but we shy away. Our faith falters. We want assurances and we look for guarantees. We want to test it before we trust Him. We want to see that it works before we surrender to Him.


Faith applied is hard. God promised, but we are uncertain whether He will perform it. But, He will. His promises are sure. We can bank on them. What He says he will do. This was true then and it is true now. David delayed. Yet even in his uncertainty, God’s promise was certain. It came to pass. His hesitation didn’t hinder God. It didn’t halt God’s plan. We need not vacillate when we hear His voice. We need not waver at His word. We need not dally to do it. Abner’s sermon speaks volumes, “In times past you were seeking for David to be king over you. Now then, do it” (2 Sam 3:17) God promised. So don’t wait and don’t hesitate. Just do it!


Today think about all the things that you know the Lord has told you to do but you have yet to do them. Such as, share the good news with your friend, forgive someone who has hurt you or speak up for God’s standards when you have been silently on the sidelines. Confess to the Lord those things that have frozen your faith. Ask Him today to help you take that first step of obedience and just do it. Ask Him to give you the strength and stamina to trust Him to enable you to do it. Stop making excuses. Now do it.



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