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Crouching at the Door

Updated: Dec 25, 2023

Crouching at the Door


Today’s Bible Reading: Gen 4:1-6:22 1 Chron 1:1-4


Genesis 4:6-7

The LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.”


All of us are tempted. We daily struggle to faithfully follow Jesus, some days are better then others. But there are always those moments when the trial becomes unbearable. An annoying family member, a belligerent coworker, a sarcastic comment, an insatiable desire and an insistent craving can all become times when sin is “crouching at the door’”. It is lurking around and looking for an opportune time to overtake us. It is patiently awaiting access. It is seeking entrance. It looks for a way in. Sin is ready to overwhelm us. These are decisive moments. They are occasions of opportunity and crossroads of choice. They are times when we either suppress the urge or succumb to sin. This is our life. it is our constant conflict. We are daily seeking to “do well”, but often finding desire defeats us and sin winning.


Sin has one objective, to ruin us. It wants to rein and rule over our lives. It strives to impede our spiritual success and to derail our spiritual progress. We must realize its agenda. We must recognize when it is crouching at our door. We must resolve to defeat it before it defeats us. Like Cain, we find our “face fallen”. Temptation’s tug turns intense. Our will becomes weakened. The door is cracked. Sin is ready to creep in and wreak havoc. Here is where the Lord intervenes. He comes to us, questioning us. He challenges change in us and seeks to divert our direction. He offers an out, a way to close the door on sin. He enables us to leave sin by listening to him. He give us faithfulness over failure.


Cain disregarded God’s direction. He chose sin over salvation. His followed his will above God’s way. His chose his desire over God’s deliverance and to be obstinate rather then obedient. We are not unlike him. In him we see ourselves. But we don’t have to follow him. Let his example be our escape. We can find victory as we delight in the Lord. As we defer to His path. As we allow His Spirit to strength our souls. He will empower us to close the door on sin. Then we will “do well”.


Today, and every day, you will be tested. Sin will camp outside your door. it will position itself to gain access, crouching ready to enter. You will have to decide whether to let it in or leave it out. To prevail you must recognize what is happening, recall this text, and resolve not to go the way of Cain. You must look to the Lord to give you strength to overcome the test. Understand that His defeat of sin provides your deliverance from sin. You must trust Him to enable you to turn from sin. You must count on Him to help you leave the door closed, not permitting sin to get its foot in your door. In this you will dispel the urge and be delivered from evil. By this, you will “do well”.

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