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Covenant Eyes

Updated: Jan 12

Covenant Eyes

Today’s Bible Reading: JOB 30:1-31:40


Job 31:1

I have made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I gaze at a virgin?


Our eyes are the inlet into our mind. What we gaze upon can develop us or defeat us. It can enhance us or entice us. What we see can stimulate our mind. Thus, it is essential to evaluate what enters our eyes. We must seek to let what we gaze upon bring glory to God.


Job was a man of great integrity. His friends had called his virtue into question. He now argues for his ethical purity in two ways. He employees a series of “If I have” statements (Job 31:5-34) regarding his virtuous actions toward his spouse, his servants and those who are struggling. He attests that if he had acted improper in any of these scenarios then significant action should be taken against him. He also acknowledges the binding covenant that he had made with his eyes to remain pure (Job 31:1).


Job’s conviction led him to make a covenant of chastity with his eyes. He resolved not to allow any access to his eyes that would entice him to have improper thoughts towards a woman. He commits to constrain his eyes from looking lustfully at a lady. In doing this, he guards his mind from dwelling on images that would develop unwarranted lustful desires.


Lust presents itself through many avenues. Its intent is to draw the unsuspected saint into sinful behavior. It creates impure desires that direct us to improper actions. Job was no different than any of us. He felt the lure of lust by what he looked at. He knew that to adhere to a chaste life he had to make a covenantal commitment with his eyes. He had to make a pact of purity.


Job’s choice needs to be our conviction. Lustful desires will bombard us daily. If we are not cognizant of their barrage and do not commit to counteract their assault, we will be beaten by them. Our eyes are the portal to our mind. A simple gaze could generate longing. A look can lead to lust. It is paramount that we make a pact of purity with our eyes. We must, with Job, make a covenant with our eyes not to look lustfully at a woman or any other object that initiates lust.


The answer to impurity is integrity. Our passionate pursuit of the Lord should enable us to push away the enticement of lust. It is what keeps us from lusting after what we look at. Perhaps the children’s song, “Be careful Little Eyes” needs to be our mantra. We should remember and recite these words often when our eyes are drawn into lustful looks, “O be careful little eyes, what you see, O be careful little eyes what you see, For the Father up above Is looking down in love, So, be careful little eyes what you see” Let your communion with the Lord compel you to make a covenant with your eyes. Be careful what you see.


Today examine your gaze. Consider how what you look at can be what you lust after. Resolve to make a covenant with your eyes to not look lustfully at anything. If you find that eyes are enticing you to engage in sin, look away. Push away anything that pulls you into sin. Gaze upon what brings Glory to God. Be careful little eye what you see.

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