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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: May 1

2 Samuel 24:24

But the king said to Araunah, “No, but I will buy it from you for a price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God that cost me nothing.” So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.


The Christian life comes at a cost. There is no such thing as costless Christianity. Salvation is free. Christ’s sacrifice was sufficient to secure our salvation. Nothing else is needed. It cost us nothing, but cost us everything. It is demands nothing, but demands all. A relationship with Christ that cost you nothing is worth nothing. For some it cost family. For many it cancels friendships. For some it strips away their livelihood. For a few it cost them their life.


Following Jesus is costly. Yet those who understand what it cost to secure their redemption willingly relinquish all to follow Him. The fishermen left their nets. The tax collectors abandoned their tables. The Pharisees disregarded their position. Christ’s worth led them to leave all and follow Him. The value of Christ made everything else valueless. His supremacy in their life led them to sacrifice all for the sake of their Savior.


Many want a comfortable Christianity that requires a minimal commitment. They put a little in and expect a lot out of their brand of belief. They want salvation without sacrifice and enjoyment without exertion. They want an “easy believism” that cost them little and demands less.


David came to sacrifice on Mt Moriah. He was offered everything he needed by the land owner. Yet David refused his gestor. He knew the worth of the one he came to worship. His gift couldn’t be from another. Proxy gifts are perfunctory. His was personal. It was profound. The value of the gift emerged from the value of the recipient. The worth of the offering expressed the worthiness of the one to whom it was offered. His regard for the Lord was reflected in his offering. He didn’t come to worship empty-handed. His sacrifice was substantial to him. A gift that cost is a gift that is significant.


We can easily short change our relationship to the Lord by casually committing to Him, insincerely seeking Him, and halfheartedly following Him. Then our gifts become meager, our devotion mediocre, our service minimal, and our spiritual life becomes meaningless. So, we give nothing, but expect everything.


Christianity is giving all to gain all. As Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.” (Mark 8:34-35). Don’t give what cost you nothing expecting to gain what cost you everything.


Today count the cost of your commitment to Christ. Thank the Lord for the fact that Jesus gave what cost Him everything so you could have everything. Ask the Lord to help you surrender all that you have in order that you might secure all that He has for you. Pray that like David you will not offer the Lord anything that cost you nothing.

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