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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung



Daniel 6:10

When Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he went to his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem. He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously.


Daniel’s whole life could be described as consistently committed. He first arrived in Babylon at the age of about 16. He faithfully followed the Lord as he was held in captivity. Many things tried to detour his devotion, but He remained consistent. Now 66 years later at the age of 82, his trust is tested yet again.


Daniel was a leader of leaders. He was different and thus was greatly despised by the other leaders. They conspired to destroy him. They knew that his downfall could only arise in relationship to his undeterred devotion to his God. His consistent prayer life and unfettered faithfulness to the Lord became their target of attack.


His devotion led to a decree. They compelled the king to issue a decree that Daniel couldn’t follow. They convinced him to command that it was forbidden to pray to anyone but their earthly king. To violate this edict, meant sure death by being cast into a den of lions.


The decree didn’t derail Daniel’s devotion. Their societal shifts didn’t squelch his supplication. He continued his commitment to pray three times a day to the eternal king, the king of Kings, the controller of lions. He didn’t fear leaders or lions, only the Lord. His commitment led to his conflict. His practice led to this problem. Yet his trust was higher. His hope was in heaven, not in the hands of men.


So, knowing the peril, he prayed. As he had done day after day, he went to his place of prayer. He knelt in intimacy and intercession. It was here he met with God. It was here he withdrew to be with his beloved. This was his secret garden. This was His place of daily restoration. He knew the danger and he knelt.


They caught him. His devotion determined his destiny, the decree sending him to the den. Yet, no lion touched him.  Their mouths were held shut by a higher divine decree. The one to whom he was devoted delivered him from the den.


We are tested daily. Antagonists attack us. They seek to destroy our commitment and defeat our faith. Many fall, and many fail. Yet unlike many, Daniel didn’t just pray when there was a problem. He practiced prayer. His was not crisis prayer, but consistent prayer. Those who are consistently committed prevail. Those who daily find strength at the feet of Jesus are renewed, refreshed and restored to face life’s struggles. Those who kneel in secret know how to stand in society. Those who persistently pray persevere. Daniel knew how to face adversity because he first faced the Almighty. It’s one thing to be a devoted disciple for short stints of time, but to continue unhindered year after year is remarkable.


Today learn from Daniel. Ask the Lord to help you be consistent in your commitment and persistent in your prayer. Be like Daniel.

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