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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Come to Worship

Updated: Sep 20


Matthew 2:2

. . . saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” 


We worship in a myriad of ways and forms. We worship with and without music. We worship inside and out. We stand and we sit in worship. We worship alone and together. Worship can be both internally and externally expressed. It can be liturgical and formal or non-liturgical and informal. We can participate in contemporary or classical worship. We even have forms of “blended” worship. Regardless of varying styles or preferred forms of worship, Christian worship is the intentional act of believers responding to who God is and what He has done. It is glorifying God with the entirety of our body, soul, and mind. It is expressed in verbal praise and visible acts of service toward others.


The wise men worshiped Jesus. Our text tells us that there was one reason the wise men traveled on a difficult and dangerous journey, to find and worship the king. Their desire drove their devotion. Their longing was to bow before the Bethlehem king. No obstacle was too obtrusive and no hindrance would hold them back. Their quest continued till they laid their gifts before him. They had one heart and one mind together focused on finding Jesus.


They faithfully followed the allusive star, appearing and disappearing, stopping and starting leading them on their long journey. They finally arrived at the house where Jesus lived. Long moved from the stable, Mary and Joseph had become settled in their new life with their toddler son. For up to two years the wise men had been on their search for the savior. Their quest had culminated at Bethlehem. Now all their paths had converged to this point, His residence. Their search was successful. They had come to worship. Now they did.


Their example should encourage us. It should ignite our passion to wholeheartedly worship Jesus. It should bring to life our at times mundane and motionless worship. Their worship wasn’t emotional driven by songs that stirred them, or a witty message that moved them. It was the joy and delight to be in the presence of King Jesus that enraptured their soul. It was merely being before Him that birthed their adoration. They had come to His house to worship him. They came not to get, but to give. Not to receive, but to revere. And they did. So, next time you go to His house to worship, come to give not get and come to revere rather than to receive.


Sincere worship is recognizing in whose presence you dwell. That alone should compel your soul to burst forth with adoration. It should be enough to ignite your praise. Considering who He is and what He has done or will do should generate your response in worship. The wise men sought and found the one born king of the Jews. And when they did, they worshiped Him. Meaningful worship is finding one worthy of worship. That’s what they found. The Lord Jesus Christ, He is worthy of our worship. Like the wise men, let us come to worship Him.


Today worship Jesus. Take time to listen to or sing some worship songs that are directed to the Lord. Stop and adore Him in all His glory as you reflect and rejoice on who He is and all that He has done in your life. Find a place where you look up into the heavens and be overwhelmed by His majesty in creation. Come and worship Him Today!

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