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Come Near

Updated: Feb 15

Today’s Bible Reading: NUMBERS 7:1-89


Numbers 7:89

Now when Moses went into the Tabernacle of meeting to speak with Him, he heard the voice of one speaking to him from above the mercy seat that was on the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubim: thus He spoke to him.


We all want to hear from God. We want Him to speak to us audibly. We want to hear His voice. Yet seldom does God speak aloud to us. He has chosen to communicate to us through His written word. He speaks to us through scripture.


The children of Israel had completed the work of constructing the tabernacle. Their time staying at Sinai had come to a close. God had meet with them on His mountain, now He was going to meet with them on their move. He had spoken to them from Sinai and now He would speak to them from the sanctuary.


God had told Moses that once the tabernacle was completed, He would speak to him in the solitude of Holy of Holies (Ex 25:22). Before Moses came up to meet with God and now God would come down to meet with Moses. God’s presence had been stationary atop Sinai and now He would move with them. Moses no longer had to climb the mountain to meet with God, now God met him at the mercy seat. He ceased going up to meet with God, because God came down.


This is a great truth for us. God was now present with His people. He was no longer distant but dwelt among them. God had come near. His presence was with them. He had been positioned atop a mountain, but now He was mobile. Where they would go, He would go. The tabernacle enabled Him to travel with them. The New Testament gives us further insight into this truth.


Jesus came down to dwell among us (John1:14). It is in Him God has come down. He left the throne room of Heaven to tabernacle with us. Jesus says in Him you see God’s form and hear His voice (John 5:37). Jesus is God’s presence among us. He is not secluded behind a veil, but visible to all.


We don’t have to climb a mountain to come near to the God. Neither do we have to approach Him behind a curtain. God came near in Christ. He has come from above to be among us. His presence is with us. We simply have to call upon Him to come near. As He spoke to Moses, so He will speak to us. He may not speak audibly, but rather through the agent of His word. Under the supervision of His Spirit, He will speak to us through Scripture. We no longer have to go to a tabernacle to speak with Him, we simply need to turn the pages of Scripture to hear Him speak to us.


Today thank the Lord that He came near in Christ. Praise Him that His presence is always present. Thank Him that we have the privilege and opportunity to come near to Him. Thank Him that He speaks to us through Scripture. Ask Him to daily give you a word from His word. He came near so we can come near.

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