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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Closed Trail

Updated: May 28

Today's Bible Reading: PROVERBS 1:1-4:27 


Proverbs 1:11

My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.


On ski slopes you will inevitably find a sign on some runs that say “trail closed”. For some reason, either lack of a snow base, some unknown hazard, or something else the managers of the slope deem that trail unusable. Many take the run anyway and find themselves in great peril. In your life there will be those who will invite you to go down compromising “closed trails”. They will invite you to partake in activities that do not coincide with your commitment to Jesus. But you don’t have to go there.


Going down these paths have caused many saints to fall into enticing traps and be entangled in things they vowed they would never do. The pressure of peers, the promise of pleasure and the procurement of possessions draw many to “cast in their lot among them” (Prov 1:11-13). The opportunity to gain popularity or prestige can push them to participate. But no matter what the reason many believers turn away from their faith when they go down “closed trails”.


Solomon gives you great counsel. First, He poses the possibility that this will happen to you. He writes, “If sinners entice you”, strongly suggesting that this will occur. The word used here means open to or given access. Solomon is saying realize that this door to sin will be open to you at some point, so be prepared when it presents itself.


He also admonishes us that when tempted to sin we should “not consent”. We are not to be willing or agree to go with them. We alone can make the decision to participate in the lure of sin. You choose which trail to go down. You give the approval to follow the things of the world or the things of God. The scripture says that “bad company corrupts good morals” (1 Cor 15:33). It says that we should “not be partakers with them” (Eph 5:7), and to “have no fellowship with the unfruitful deeds of darkness” (Eph 5:11). In today’s proverb we are encouraged to not “walk in the way with them and to keep your foot from their path” (1:15). We shouldn’t go with them or give their opportunity a second glance. We should avoid the trails of life that are “closed” to Christians.


Finally, Solomon states that what appears to be fun will in the end lead to failure. He says that their path leads them to “lie in wait for their own blood”, and “lurk secretly for their own lives”. He warns that their path, “takes away the life of its owners.” (Prov 1: 18-19). The consequences are considerable. We shouldn’t engage without understanding the expense. We shouldn’t commit without counting the cost. Don’t go down their enticing path.


So instead, we should find the “open” trials. We should get plugged in with a group of Christians who can help us to grow in Godliness and flourish in our faith. We should walk with those who walk with Him. Our fellowship should be with those who are in fellowship with Him. Make a commitment to follow Christ rather than the crowd, so that you will have days of renewal rather than days of regret. Go down His trail and you will thrive.


Today thank the Lord for closed trails. Ask Him to help you "not consent" to follow the enticement of sinners. Thank Him for the power and strength of His Holy Spirit to help you choose to walk with Him rather than walk with them

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