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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Feb 15

Today’s Bible Reading: EXODUS 39:32-40:38, NUMBERS 9:15-23


Numbers 9:18

At the command of the LORD the people of Israel set out, and at the command of the LORD they camped. As long as the cloud rested over the tabernacle, they remained in camp.


Every believer at some point struggles with discerning God’s will for their life. We all ponder His purpose and plan for our life. We wonder about the way He wants us to go. We desire His direction during our deepest doubt. We need a “cloud” to clarify our course. When we would see it move, we would know that we needed to move.


There was no uncertainty about where the wilderness wanderers were to camp. At the completion of the tabernacle, the Lord’s presence came down and filled it. Above it He positioned a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. It was a visible manifestation of the Lord’s presence among them. It was also an instructive tool to tell them when and where to camp and when to journey on. When the cloud moved, they moved. When the cloud stopped, they stopped. There was no question pertaining to God’s will, but merely a decision as to whether one would follow His direction. When the cloud moved, they moved. When the cloud stopped, they stopped. God’s will was clear. The cloud clarified it.


Just like for the Israelites, the Lord gives us clear direction. He unclouds our uncertainly, but no longer with a cloud. Today we have His scriptures and His Spirit to guide us. They are the “cloud” that gives us clarity. They are God’s means to mark our way. The Psalmist agrees when he states, “Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path” (Ps. 119:105). God’s word reveals His way. It illuminates and instructs us. Likewise, His Spirit guides us in walking according to His way. (John 16:7, Acts 8:29, Acts 16:6).


By reading the scriptures we are given knowledge of God’s will and by relying on His Spirit, we are guided into obeying His will. So, working in tandem the scripture and the Spirit declare God’s will and direct us along God’s way. Like the cloud above the tabernacle led the wilderness wanderers, now the scriptures and the Spirit lead us to follow God’s direction. As the Israelites trusted the cloud to give clarity to the way they should go, so we must trust the statements of scripture to direct us.


Today thank God that He directs us. Thank Him for giving us the “cloud” of His scripture and His Spirit to lead us in the way we should go. Ask Him to help you discern His direction through scripture and walk in His way by the Spirit. Thank Him that He gives you clarity in your confusion and direction in your doubts. Thank Him that His “cloud” clarifies it.

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