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Call the Midwives

Updated: Feb 15

Call the Midwives

Today’s Bible Reading: EXODUS 1:1-4:17, 1 CHRONICLES 6:1-3

Exodus 1:17 But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live. . . . it was so because the midwives feared God.


Throughout scripture it’s the little people, the obscure, the unknown and unrecognized that the Lord uses to advance his kingdom. Here we are told of midwives who stepped in to defy the edict of the king of Egypt as he commanded them to kill all the male children born to Hebrew women. They feared God and forsook the decree.


Their role was insignificant in the eyes of men, but immense in the plan of God. Their actions led to the advancement of the purpose of God and the deliverance of his people to the praise of His glory. It was their simple act of faith in preserving the lives of the male children that brought hope in the midst of despair and help for the struggling saints. Here were great women of spiritual valor and courage. These were women who revered their God in spite of the great peril. They stood up when others stayed down. They moved forward in faith when others would cower in fear. Theirs was a faith that led to action. They were decisive and deliberate. Here the simple word “But” defines their resolve and their determination. Given a command to kill the boys, they chose to keep them. In one moment, they committed to please God rather than man and to serve Him rather than succumb to mans’ whims.


We daily, like the midwives, are faced with situations that cause us to decide where our allegiance lies, with God or with man. Will can chose to cower in fear before the demands of culture or we can decided to faithfully follow Christ. It’s in this tension that we daily live. We daily decided if we are going to fear God or fear man and if we will pursue the praise of man or of God. The consistent devotion of the midwives to Lord led to their determination. They didn’t decide to fear God in the moment. “The midwives feared God”, this was an affirmation of their prolonged devotion that led to their present decision. Their past fear of God led to their present faith in God.


Too often we look at the great stories of the Bible, but we don’t see the grand scheme of things. They didn’t know that the one they delivered in opposition to pharaoh would be the one that would deliver them from pharaoh’s oppression. If these women of faith had not feared God and saved the male children, there would have been no deliverer for Israel and no hope for us. If there been no Moses, there would have been no Messiah. If he had not been saved; we would not be saved. No one, not even you, is insignificant in God’s kingdom.


These women were called by God to be midwives and they faithfully served him in their calling. He had a purpose for them and he has a purpose for you. They did not serve an earthly king, but an eternal king. They did not receive the affirmation of men, but the applause of heaven (v 20). What they did seemed insignificant, yet these unsung heroes became an indispensable part of God’s ultimate plan of salvation.


Today thank God that you are not insignificant or unimportant. Recognize that He has a plan and purpose for your life. Thank Him that although what you do may not be seen by others, it is seen by Him. Rejoice that the Lord has called you to fear Him and faithfully serve Him. Realize that wherever He plants you, He can and will use you for his Glory. Remind yourself daily, that like the midwives, you are an integral important part of God’s global plan and you have a significant role in His kingdom work.

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