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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

But I Am

Updated: Apr 12


Psalm 52:8-9

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever. I will thank you forever, because you have done it. I will wait for your name, for it is good, in the presence of the godly.


There is a marked difference between the godly and the ungodly. Their pursuits and passion are diametrically opposed to one another. Their beliefs are evidenced by their behavior. Their future and fate are decisively different. This Psalms contrasts the demarcation between the two leaving no room for a middle position. We are either godly or ungodly. As Jesus said, “Whoever is not with me is against me . . . . “(Luke 11:23)


This psalm was written after some horrendous and heinous events occurred. Previously David had acquired the assistance of a priest. He had graciously given him subsistence and a sword for his journey. The priest had no idea that David was fleeing from Saul and that his generosity aided and abetted his flight (1 Sam 22:15). Lurking in the shadows was a loyal servant of Saul named Doeg. He eventually reveals that the priest assisted David in alluding capture. As a result, Saul has Doeg slaughter 85 of the priest and “put to the sword; both man and woman, child and infant, ox, donkey and sheep” (1 Sam 22: 19). David discovers this ghastly and gruesome massacre from the son of the priest that had escaped the carnage. In his overwhelming grieve he writes this psalm.


This Psalm exposes the evil character of Doeg and those like him. It further contrasts the fate of the wicked (Doeg) and the flourishing of the righteous (David). Doeg and all who are evil doers are characterized by pride. He “boasts of evil” (Ps 52:1). He also perpetuates evil. David says of Doeg and those like him, “Your tongue plots destruction, like a sharp razor, you worker of deceit” (Ps 52:2). Doeg had no hesitation in speaking ill of someone in order to stir up others toward evil. He was passionately evil. The Psalm says of him, “You love evil more than good” (Ps 52:3). His lack of regard for human life in his destructive rampage reflects his unbridled bent on evil behavior.


His fate is certain. God says He will break him down, He will snatch him up, He will tear him from his tent and He will uproot him from the land of the living (Ps 52:5). Evil and evil doers will not prevail. Their destruction will be as sure as the devastation that they have caused. Their end is evident. Their demise is determined. Their fate is sure.


In contrast, David and all those who will make God their refuge (Ps 52:7) will have a different future. They will flourish forever. They will be “like a green olive tree in the house of God”. They will be characterized by their “trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever”. Their trust will not be in what they hold, but in the one they hold on to. David’s confidence was in the superiority of his God and security of His presence. He trusted God.


The righteous are also those who are thankful for the Lord’s providential protection and provisions. David was not dependent on what he had, but on the one who could provide what He needed. Thus, when God provided for him and protected him it was cause for great rejoicing. David was grateful for all that God had done. Those who are righteous are those who are grateful for God’s goodness.


Finally, those who love God, love God’s people. Doeg was in the company of evil does who conceived and carried out evil actions. David was “in the presence of the godly” who entertain and encouraged godly behavior. He was surrounded by hundreds of struggling believers. “Everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented” joined David’s company. Together they sought the Lord and served each other. Character is advanced by the community we associate with.


We too can choose to flourish like a ‘green olive tree” by trusting God, thanking God and being together with God’s people. We must determine our direction. We can either be rooted in the Lord or be uprooted by the Lord. We can either flourish in the Lord or be forsaken by the Lord. We can either be like Doeg or be like David.


Today ask the Lord to help you be like a green olive tree, flourishing and faithful in the Lord. Ask Him to help you push away evil and pursue godliness. Ask Him to help you find a community of believers where you can thrive.


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