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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Beyond Defeat

Updated: Mar 27

Today’s Bible Reading: JUDGES 19:1-21:25


Judges 20:28

. . . and Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron, ministered before it in those days), saying, “Shall we go out once more to battle against our brothers, the people of Benjamin, or shall we cease?” And the LORD said, “Go up, for tomorrow I will give them into your hand.”


Our tendency is to give up when we are defeated; we stop when we are stopped. When our battle is lost we bail. But one defeat doesn’t mean we are defeated. One loss doesn’t mean we have lost. We are called as believers to persist in our battles. We are encouraged to continue in our conflict.


Here, the children of Israel are heading to battle, for the third time. They did everything right the previous times. They consulted the Lord. They heard him say proceed. They obeyed. They were defeated. Yet, their defeats didn’t defeat them. Their failure didn’t frustrate them. Their confidence didn’t collapse. Rather than give up they looked up. Understanding His voice, but uncertain of His plan they beseeched him again. They didn’t question God’s purpose, but inquired of his plan. Although defeated twice, they wondered whether they should continue. Theirs was not to give up without guidance. Theirs was not to concede without counsel. They trusted even when they didn’t triumph. They obeyed regardless of the result.


We can learn from them. Not all our battles will be won. Not all our trials will lead to triumphant. We will fall. We will fail. Even when we clearly hear God’s voice, we may not be victorious, certainty is not certain. Ours is not to reason, but to resolve and to continue in obedience regardless of the results. We must not allow circumstances to dictate our commitment or failures to frustrate our faithfulness. What God says, we obey. If crushed we cry out. If commanded we go again. Battles must not determine our belief. Commitment must not shift because of our circumstances. Obedience directs obligations and victory is in trust not triumph. We win when we walk in His ways. Ours is not to determine the outcome, but to walk in obedience. Disobedience is defeat. We must live in obedience even when defeat keeps taunting us.


Today reflect on the times in your life when you were spiritually defeated. When you battled hard with temptation and lost. When you kept seeking to move forward, but only found yourself pushed back. Consider how defeat sought to define you and how your failure frustrated you. Contemplate what you will do the next time the battle doesn’t go your way. Remember this story in the midst of your current battles, how the Israelites, although crushed two times didn’t concede, but continued on in faith. Like them, we must continue to inquire of the Lord in the midst of our struggles. They didn’t give in or give up when overcome, but sought the one who overcomes. You will fail, but don’t let it cause your faith to fail. Stand up, seek the Lord and step out in faith to your next battle.


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