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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Be Watchful

December 22nd

Today's Bible Reading

Be Watchful

1 Peter 5:8

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.



There is a roaring lion in our midst. We can hear him. We know he is near. He seeks to devour us. He scouts out our routine, looking for opportunity to attack. He is watchful, we must be too.  


Peter identifies our enemy as “the devil”. He is the eternal leader of the demonic hoard. He is not some fabrication of fairy tales. He is not some fictional creature or a mythical mischief maker. He is real. He is the unseen force that lives and dwells in the spirit world but invades our world. He is the fallen angel Lucifer of old. He disguised himself as a serpent and deceived our first parents to disobey God. Since that garden encounter he has sought to deceive us as well.  


He is not stationary, but mobile. He “prowls” about like a hungry loin. He has access to everyone. He roams around seeking to entice his often unsuspecting victims into sinful behavior.  He is relentless in his quest. He will not cease in his endeavor to “devour” the careless Christian. The unaware disciple is his primary pursuit. His roar should identify his intentions, but believers are often oblivious to his advances.  As he has done from the dawn of man, he continues to do today. If we are not careful we will be his next prey.


Peter gives us strong advice on how to halt the advance of our adversary. He tells us we must be sober-minded; be watchful. This means that we must not let anything cloud our thinking to dismiss his desires. He wants to devour us, nothing less. We must have a clear head to formulate a plan of retreat or resistance. We are also to be watchful. The enemy can’t overtake an attentive sentinel. The vigilant disciple will always have the victory. In being watchful we are warned of the enemies attack and can take action to arrest his assault.


We don’t have to fall prey to the prowess of the prowling, roaring lion. We can defeat the devil. It will take a clear head and a constant watch, but the advances of our adversary can be arrested. We don’t have to be lion food. The precautions that we take can and will stop Satan. So we must stay alert and attentive to any and all his attacks.  Laxness loses the battle. We can’t win if we don't watch. Therefore, always be sober-minded and be watchful.


Today recognize that you have a living and active adversary. Understand that he seeks to devour you.  Ask the Lord to help you to be sober-minded and watchful so you will not become his prey. Pray that you will prevail when he comes prowling for you. Thank the Lord that His Spirit who lives in you is greater than Satan who lurks around you. Seek to be vigilant and victorious not victims.   

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