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Be Priestly

Updated: Feb 15

Be Priestly

Today’s Bible Reading: EXODUS 29:1-31:18


Exodus 29:20

“and you shall kill the ram and take part of its blood and put it on the tip of the right ear of Aaron and on the tips of the right ears of his sons, and on the thumbs of their right hands and on the great toes of their right feet, and throw the rest of the blood against the sides of the altar.”


The priests of old were set apart for select service to the Lord. They lived their life to minister before the Lord. Believers are also priest (1 Pet 2:9). We are chosen, called and consecrated by the blood of Jesus to be His priests and to minister in His name. Every believer serves as a priest before the Lord. This task is not restricted to ministerial positions in a church, but for every believer in the church.


In the text we observe the commissioning of the priest. It was their ceremonial consecration acknowledging their commitment to be the Lord’s priests. It was a declaration of their dedication, direction and discipline in ministry.


In this ancient ritual the blood of the slain animal is to be place strategically on three parts of their body: the tip of the right ear, the thumb of the right hand and the big toe on their right foot. This was symbolic of their passion and pursuits as a priest. They were to devote every part of their body “from head to toe” to serving the Lord.


The symbolism of the placing of the blood on their ear, hand and foot can be summed up in three words: study, service and steps. They were to hear and study God’s word, they were to work in the service of the Lord and they were to faithfully walk in all His way. This was their calling and commission to which they were to commit their whole being. Their life was to be consumed with studying His word, serving in His work and stepping according to His way. His word was to be prominent. His work was to be their priority. His way was to be paramount.


We are to have this same commitment as the Lord’s priest: His Word, His work, and His way. We must diligently study His word, hearing His truth daily. We must dutifully serve the Lord delighting in His work. We must deliberately step out in faith to walk in His way. As priest we are to listen to His word, labor at His work and live according to His way.


Today consider your role as a priest. Reflect on the fact that as a believer you have been called to be God’s priest. Ponder your passion and performance as His priest. Contemplate how you listen to His word, labor in His work and live according to His way. Resolve to be priestly.

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