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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung

Be Kind

December 7th

Today's Bible Reading

Be Kind

Ephesians 4:32

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Kindness is the greatest gift that you can give. It gladdens the heart. It rejoices the soul. It brings hope to the hurting and comfort to those in crisis. It causes smiles for those who are struggling. A simple kindness manifests great significance. It typically cost nothing, but conveys everything.

But unkindness abounds. It is rampant. It flourishes in a fallen world. When encountered, it produces words that sting and actions that assault. It damages and destroys all who experience its destructive results. Unkindness breaks relationships, ruins reputations, and crushes souls. Those unhinged by unkindness endure its devastating long lasting cataclysmic effects. Unkindness remains. It is not easily overcome.

Yet kindness transforms everyone it touches. It pierces to the very core of our being. It lingers. It is the deepest demonstration of care and concern. The actual Greek word here can be translated useful or helpful. It is unlike unkindness that is hurtful, harmful and hateful.

Our text admonishes us to be kind, tenderhearted and forgiving. Amid all the vices listed in the previous verses it pronounces three virtues to align our life around. These are identifying marks of the redeemed. They are expressions of our experience. As we have encountered them in Christ, we express them toward others. So, we are to be kind, tenderhearted and forgiving because He has been that way toward us. These three demonstrate Christ. They distinguish us as disciples.

The text also states specifically that kindness shouldn’t discriminate. We are to be kind to one another, not one over the other. We must recall the undeserved, unmerited kindness we have received in Christ and act accordingly. We are to

be kind even to the critical, the condemning, the condescending. Each day we decide our demeanor. We must consciously choose to be kind, resolving to be kind to all without regard.

Today choose to be kind, not just to those who “deserve” it, but to all. Commit to act toward others as Christ has acted toward you. Be kind. Be tenderhearted. Be forgiving. Be like Christ.

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