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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Apr 5

Today’s Bible Reading: 1 CHRON 9:35-39, 1 SAMUEL 13:1-23, 14:1-52


1 Samuel 14:6

Jonathan said to the young man who carried his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised. It may be that the LORD will work for us, for nothing can hinder the LORD from saving by many or by few.”


Many times, we find our faith floundering when we face impossible situations. Too often during these encounters we find ourselves restraining God. We do this either by unbelief or uncertainty. We read of His power. We affirm His ability. We acknowledge that He is unhindered in His capability to crush anything that opposes or oppresses us. Yet even with this great understanding about the Lord, we doubt He will do it. We are afraid rather than audacious.


Jonathan faced this type of fear. The army of Saul was at a standstill. They had a fighting force of a meager 600 men. They were outnumbered and outmanned by the Philistine military whose soldiers were “as the sand on the seashore in multitude”. (1 Sam 13:5). In addition to the strength of the opposing army, they lacked the armament for battle. There was “neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any the people who were with Saul and Jonathan” (1 Sam 13:22). So, with a little army and a lack of armament, they were stalled and uncertain of how to proceed. Their fate was uncertain and their faith was unsure. They didn’t know what to do, so they just stayed where they were.


But Jonathan couldn’t just sit back in fear. He along with his armor bearer decided to trust God and push forward. They determined to be brave and bold. They had audacious faith. Their faith was not determined by what lay in front of them or what they lacked; it was driven by their Lord. Their hope was in Him as they declared, “It may be that the LORD will work for us”.


There were several elements from this text that described their audacious faith. They didn’t decide to proceed without submitting to the Lord. They know that unless the Lord came alongside them in their quest they would not succeed. Therefore, they submitted to Him. He was they only one who could help them. They were bold because of Him.


Another element of their audacious faith was their belief that nothing could stop God. They affirmed that nothing could hinder the Lord from winning the day. His power gave them power to proceed. They were unstoppable when they put their faith in the one who could not be stopped. There was no power that could prevail against Him. There was no obstacle that could overcome Him. Nothing could prohibit their progress. They were bold because nothing could block Him.


In addition their audacious faith was not based on what they could supply. It was just the two of them against a massive army. They did not rely on the men they had on hand, but the mighty hand of God. Jonathan’s hope was in the Lord who could save by many or by few. Victory was not contingent on the people available, but on the power of the Almighty. God was not negated by numbers. It only takes one; one who believes, one who is bold and one who will battle. It’s not by the size of our army, but by the might of His arm that we are saved. They were bold because two is enough when the Lord backs you.


Audacious faith spreads. Boldness leads others to be bold. Johnathan presented the plan to his armor bearer. He did not hesitate to join him. He firmly declares, “I am with you heart and soul” (1 Sam 14:7). One man’s boldness breeds boldness in others. They were bold together.


Finally, audacious faith steps out when others stay back. They knew what they were up against, but they also knew who would aid them. They were not timid, but trusting. Faith moves forward. It says, ‘Come let us go over”. It does linger or lag behind, but launches out. Victories are not won by those who vacillate. Overcomers go over. They boldly believe and push ahead knowing that the Lord can defeat whatever opposes them. They stepped out boldly knowing He could save them.


Today ask God to give you the audacious faith of Jonathan in the face of all you fear. Trust in the Lord who cannot be stopped to help you stop what is stopping you. Thank Him that He can help you no matter how difficult your dilemma.

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