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  • Writer's picturedrbuddyyoung


Updated: Feb 15

Today’s Bible Reading: EXODUS 35:1-36:38


Exodus 36:2

Then Moses called Bezalel and Aholiab and every gifted artisan in whose heart the Lord had put wisdom, everyone whose heart was stirred to come and do the work


Artisans make the bland become beautiful. They make the lifeless come to life and give color to the colorless. Their skills and talents enable them to enhance and embellish that which is dull and mundane. Their creations help to bring beauty to a broken world.


God sees their significance. He knows their value. Their work is so important to His plan and purpose that He names two of them in our text. It is through their artistry that He will erect an edifice elaborate enough for Him to dwell among His people. It is through them that the tabernacle will be constructed. He gives them the blueprint from which they would add the beauty. He assigns the material and they would make it magnificent.


These craftsmen were called by the Lord. He had put the wisdom of artistry within their heart and now He was commissioning them for the work He had prepared them to do. The woodworkers carefully carved the Archia wood into the furniture and the poles for the structure. The weavers utilized fine linen and colorful fabric of purple, scarlet and blue to tailor the entrance into the tabernacle and to sew the curtains that would veil the entrance into the Lord’s presence. The metalworkers hammer the smoldering gold, silver and bronze into the coverings for the poles and the furniture adding brilliance and splendor to the structure. They were all gifted by God to use their gifts for His Glory.


The text adds that “everyone whose heart was stirred’ came to do the work. God had given them the giftedness for their craft. He had bestowed upon them a mind and the mastery to make the magnificent. But without the occasion they would not have had the opportunity to serve their sovereign. There would not have been ability to apply their artistry to aid the Almighty. Their heart might have been “stirred” but there would have been no spot for their skills.


This is a concern within the church. It seems that gifted artisans are seldom asked to use their gifts in the body of Christ. Painters and performers need a place to practice their artistry within the church. They need a channel to carry out their calling. Artist, actors and other artisans awaken the pages of scripture through their dance, drama and drawings. Their work can give color and clarity to the black and white text. Their artistic expressions and insightful interpretations can help us bring the scriptures to life.


We need more than masterful musicians and incredible vocalists that can lead us in worship. We also need the work of craftsmen and artisans displayed throughout churches to encourage and enrich us and develop a depth of spirituality within us. As the body of Christ, we must be inclusive of the arts. We must provide avenues of expression for these God gifted artisans. We need them to give beauty to our broken world.


Today thank the Lord that He has gifted certain individuals to be skilled artist and craftsmen within the church. Ask the Lord to help them flourish and thrive in the community of the saints. Pray that their work will enhance your spiritual growth and be a tool to lead many to Christ. Rejoice that their artistry brings a since of splendor to our shattered world.

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